By: Trevor Loudon | New Zeal
No sugar-coating it folks. Donald Trump’s victory over Senator Ted Cruz in the Republican primary is a disaster for the Republican Party, the Republic and for what’s left of the free world. The question is – how do Constitutional Conservatives strategize to mitigate this “dumpster fire” in the short-term, salvage what we can of our movement and turn this catastrophe to our advantage in the longer term.
The first thing is DO NOT PANIC. Trump supporters are now flooding social media with enticements, olive branches, threats and abuse – all designed to get us signed up for the Trump Train. Their main argument is that we if don’t climb aboard, we are somehow endorsing Hillary Clinton.
I am equally terrified of a Clinton (or the backup Uncle Joe Biden/Pocahontas Warren ticket) victory. But blindly piling in behind Trump is not the best way to stop that. Also it surrenders, without a fight, the greatest power Constitutional Conservatives still have left – our bargaining power, our voting and financial leverage, and most importantly, the moral high ground.
I believe we need to work out how best to achieve several things.
They are in order of priority:
- Maximize the chances of the increased liberty, security and expansion of the free world (including my beloved New Zealand).
- Maximize the chances the the United States of America will survive and grow and prosper as a Constitutional Republic and the leader of an ever-expanding free world.
- Maximize the chances that the Constitutional Conservative movement will continue to grow and become the dominant political force in that Republic for many generations to come.
- Maximize the chances that the Republican Party can return to its Constitutional roots, or that a viable alternative force may replace it.
- Maximize the chances that our champion Ted Cruz will play a major role in that process. Preferably as the soonest possible two-term President of the United States.
Is that ambitious enough for you folks? Is that in line with your political values? Would these goals give your children and grandchildren the best possible shot at achieving the American Dream?
For those of us about to join the Libertarian Party, form a third party, or just stay home, I want you to consider one thing. We do not have the luxury of twenty years to turn this around. We don’t have 5 years. We may have as little as 6 months. Why do I say that? One word – AMNESTY.
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