By: Lloyd Marcus
This is it, election day in Indiana; a huge day for all who love our great country and desire not to see it continue to be transformed into something evil and unrecognizable. Our Conservative Campaign Committee team is still in Indiana campaigning for Ted Cruz. We did another sign wave yesterday evening during drive time.
Remember The Pointer Sisters’ hit song, “We Are Family”? That is the way I feel about my fellow patriots who have diligently worked so hard to make Ted Cruz our nominee. I just want to give a special shout-out to a few brother and sister patriots that I know have given it their all, leading the charge for Cruz.
Special thanks to Suzanne Price, Trevor Loudon, Morgan McComb, Laurie Hougham, Suzanne Guggenheim, Tony Piacente, Darla Dawald, Terresa Monroe-Hamilton, Judson Phillips and my homies at Conservative Campaign Committee. Love you guys! There are far too many of you to name or thank. So please forgive me.
We are family folks. Now, let’s “git-r-done” for Ted Cruz.
P.S. Nobody makes my wife Mary laugh like Larry the Cable Guy.
Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American
Chairman: The Conservative Campaign Committee
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