By: Renee Nal | New Zeal
It appears that Trump supporters who have rallied behind Larry Wayne Lindsey have been schlonged.
Lindsey became an overnight sensation after the Trump Report Drudge Report highlighted a video of the wannabe Trump delegate burning his Republican party registration after pro-Cruz political insiders cast him aside. The trouble with Larry’s story is that it is a big fat lie.
Larry did not attend the county caucus, which is where he needed to go in order to get elected as a delegate to the state convention.
Crista Huff, a Republican activist in Colorado writes:
“On Saturday, April 9, 2016, a man named Larry from Douglas County, CO slandered Douglas County (CO) Republicans on Facebook. In that Facebook post, Larry claimed that he went to his neighborhood caucus meeting on March 1st, at which a precinct captain named Jan Morgan had threatened him about being a Trump supporter, with the implication that Trump supporters would not be allowed to be delegates to the April 9th State Republican Assembly.”
After some digging, Crista “learned that this ‘Jan Morgan’ person is not a precinct person in District 3, and might not exist at all…” She writes,
“On Sunday, April 10th, quite a variety of Douglas County caucus attendees, delegates, and Republican Party volunteers were interviewed, to determine exactly what took place. The paper trail was examined, from Larry’s caucus meeting, and from the Douglas County Assembly. None of the gentleman’s story holds water…”
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