GOP candidates at the CNN GOP presidential debate in Houston, Texas on February 25, 2016.
In this last debate, Donald Trump became so exposed that on the next day he had to cover it up by changing the media narrative. His fig leaf? The endorsement of the governor who doesn’t like staying in his state, Chris Christie, who earlier had chastised Trump for his ignorance and clownishness. An expansive fig leaf that is, to cover Trump’s accumulated liberal iniquity where he would now bill himself a conservative, and his impotence to truly know and do American self-governance.
Ted Cruz exposed Trump’s longstanding record of being a donor class elitist and a “progressive” in policy. Marco Rubio showed him up for the shallow con artist he is. But of them all, Senator Cruz once again gets The Grown-Up Award, showing himself to have the knowledge, acumen and demeanor to be president.
Lades and gentlemen of America, we need a thorough conservative, an honest man with true motives, and a grown-up in the White House.
Here is last Thursday night’s debate in Houston, Texas. in its entirety. See for yourself, if you missed it. Remind yourself, if you’ve gotten distracted by the folderol, since.
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