By: Roger Aronoff
Accuracy in Media
Accuracy in Media Editor Roger Aronoff was a guest analyst on “Cavuto Coast to Coast” with host Neil Cavuto on the Fox Business Network twice this month. The first time was about the media coverage of the Islamic terrorist attack in San Bernardino, California that killed 14 people. The topic of his second appearance, on December 18, was the $1.1 trillion spending bill, and how Republicans still fear hostile media treatment over their handling of the budget.
In 2013, Aronoff reported, the complicit mainstream media and Obama administration worked together to delegitimize the government shutdown and blame Republicans for lost services related to the National Park Service and World War II memorial.
“Well, you can look back to 2013 when the government was shut down for a short time,” noted Aronoff on the show. Yet, “In 2014 the Republicans had a tremendous year electorally across the country.”
“[Republicans are] afraid of still getting hammered,” Aronoff argued. “Well, so what if the media gets upset with them?” he asked. “Look how that’s affected Donald Trump.”
Republican presidential candidate Trump is still in a “dead heat” with Hillary Clinton in a hypothetical matchup, according to Rasmussen Reports on December 28.
Republicans have no real victories with this new budget deal, asserted Aronoff. “And I can tell you, the conservative base is so upset,” he said. “And people wonder why the leading candidates are Donald Trump and Ted Cruz (R-TX). People are not happy with what the Republicans in Congress are doing.”
“Well, the problem is the only thing that they’re being given credit for winning is this oil export deal, changing that,” noted Aronoff. “And so it makes it look like, ‘Oh, boy, the Republicans got a benefit for Big Oil, and that’s what they fight for…”
You can view the segment here:
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