By: Terresa Monroe-Hamilton
Now this is personal… Pamela Geller (Atlas Shrugs) and Robert Spencer (Jihad Watch) are people I consider friends. I’ve known Pamela a long time. Geert Wilders has long been a man I have admired. And now ISIS has the gall to attack us on our own soil, in Texas no less!
In the spirit of this attack and considering it is a declaration of war on American soil with ISIS, they can go pound sand.
From my friends at
Last night in Garland, Texas at the “First Annual Muhammad Art Exhibit and Contest,” which this site promoted, two armed gunmen with semiautomatic weapons opened up on a security guard wounding him in the ankle. He will be fine thank God. They had bombs and hand grenades I’m told. The event was sold out with about 300 attendees and ran late – which probably saved their lives. As this was going down outside, they sang God Bless America… I couldn’t be prouder of everyone there. And I am overjoyed the two asshat ISIS thugs are dead.
From CBS here is the timeline from last night:
7:45pm CT: Officers tell Gabriel Roxas that two suspects were shot dead. Pamela Geller spoke to to CBS 11 from lockdown via phone at 7:45p CT. In addition to echoing our ground team, she told a news producer, “I heard officers talking of possible explosions in backpacks and the car.” Sources told CBS 11 there was a report of a ‘grenade’ at an area Walmart but the Garland PD said none was found.
8:11pm CT: Joe Harn, spokesman for the Garland Police Department, tells CBS 11 two men pulled up in vehicle on the roadway in front of the center and began firing at a Garland ISD security guard. Garland Police returned fire and killed both suspects.
8:11pm CT: Suspects’ vehicle being checked for explosives. It is scheduled to be detonated.
8:20pm CT: Authorities tell CBS 11 that SWAT will escort 48 people at a time out of arena soon, but many are parked in a now secured area and cannot access cars.
8:30pm CT: Garland ISD spokesman Chris Moore says one of their security guards was shot. His name is Bruce Joiner. He has been with the district for 8 years. He has non-life threatening injuries after being shot once in the leg. He’s in stable condition at a local hospital.
9:00pm CT: Security guard Bruce Joiner released from hospital.
9:12pm CT: No press conference until authorities have cleared the suspects’ vehicle.
9:29pm CT: Muslim Response to Dallas Shooting. Harris Zafar, Vice President of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association told CBS 11 via email: “People need to hear a strong Muslim voice condemning this insanity.”
9:29pm CT: Suspects’ bodies still at the scene.
10:16pm CT: Joe Harn of the Garland Police Department told CBS 11, “We were prepared for it.”
10:33pm CT: Harn holds a press conference. When asked about the suspects, he said, “They drove out, got out, and opened fire on the security officer.” When asked about their identities, no information was disclosed.
10:34pm CT: There were reports of a third suspect but Harn said, “I don’t have any idea about that.”
ISIS has claimed responsibility for the attack – the contest was held at the same location and in the same room a pro-Shariah law event was held just recently. When the killers opened fire and one reached for his backpack, the police didn’t hesitate, they took them out. Exactly what should have happened. Those officers did their job and I’m proud of them for it.
The SITE Intelligence Group reported that an ISIS fighter claimed on Twitter that the shooting was carried out by two pro-ISIS individuals. In a series of tweets and links, a Jihadist named as Abu Hussain AlBritani, which SITE said was British ISIS fighter Junaid Hussain, claimed that ‘2 of our brothers just opened fire’ at the Prophet Muhammad exhibition in Texas. ‘They Thought They Was Safe In Texas From The Soldiers of The Islamic State,’ added the tweet. And ISIS thought they could do whatever they wanted – not in Texas evidently, you asshats.
Attack: The suspects’ bodies are seen next to their vehicle as it is searched for
explosives at the anti-Muslim event. Two men got out the vehicle and opened fire, wounding
a security guard in the leg, before they were shot dead by police.
ISIS supporters claimed on Twitter that one of the gunmen was a man calling
himself Shariah Is Light on the social media site, but police have yet to formally identify the culprits.
The two gunmen’s vehicle also looked like there was damage from an explosion to it.
From the Daily Mail:
Other Isis supporters claimed on Twitter that one of the gunmen was a man calling himself Shariah Is Light on the social media site, using the account name @atawaakul, according to New York Times reporter Rukmini Callimachi.
He had posted a message earlier that said ‘the bro with me and myself have given bay’ah [oath] to Amirul Mu’mineen [ISIS leader Al Baghdadi]. May Allah accept us as mujahideen #texasattack’.
However, Ms Callimachi pointed out that it’s not even known at this point if the attackers are Muslim. The Shariah is Light account has now been suspended.
You can bet everything you have on them being Muslim my friends… that is a certainty. As Pamela Geller put it on Fox News this morning, this is a war on free speech. Pure and simple. Islam is trying to strip us of our Constitutional rights and we will not be silenced.
There had been no credible threats before the event and the shootout lasted seconds with about 20 shots being fired. Although there were no threats, Pamela and Robert have traveled with security for over 10 years and they had paid for heavy security for the event. This is a way of life for Geert Wilders. What a sad statement that is.
More from the Daily Mail:
The attack unfolded shortly after Dutch member of parliament and leader of the far-right Party for Freedom, Geert Wilders, had delivered his keynote speech. There had been calls by members of Congress for him to be stopped at the border so he would not be able to speak.
‘We are here in defiance of Islam to stand for our rights and freedom of speech,’ he said during his speech shortly before the building was shut down. ‘That is our duty.’
He added: ‘Our message today is very simple: we will never allow barbarism, never allow Islam, to rob us of our freedom of speech.’
His remarks were met with a standing ovation. He then told the audience that most terrorists are Muslims, and ‘the less Islam the better.’
In 2009, he sparked controversy for showing a controversial film which linked the Koran to terrorism and has previously said the Netherlands is being taken over by a ‘tsunami of Islamisation’.
Pamela Geller, the organizer, told CBS 11 from inside the building: ‘I heard officers talking of possible explosions in backpacks and the car. There was talk of a grenade at the nearby Wal-Mart.’
The outspoken leader of Stop Islamisation of America then wrote on her personal website: ‘This is a war. This is war on free speech. What are we going to do? Are we going to surrender to these monsters?’
In a post in late March, she insisted that the event was necessary to fight back against what she described as ‘the jihad against freedom’.
It was set up by the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI) and had been described by opponents as an attack on Islam. They booked the center a little more than a week after Islamic militants in France killed 12 people at satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo.
The AFDI issued a statement on Facebook after the shooting saying, ‘This is war on free speech. What are we going to do? Are we going to surrender to these monsters?’
The Garland Independent School district, who own the cultural center, allowed the event to go ahead despite criticism from residents and local Muslims that it was a risk to public safety.
The group spent $10,000 on 40 additional security officers, aware of potential threats they may attract, while Garland Police officers were fully prepared to deal with any issues that arose.
Before the event, the New York-based organisation made the headlines for its sponsorship of anti-Islamic adverts which it paid to run on transit systems in Washington, D.C., Philadelphia and San Francisco.
Any innocent blood spilled is all over Obama’s hands on this… he opened the borders and let them in. Hell, he’s flown and bused them in from all over the world. He’s brought ISIS here and now the fight is at hand.
Artist Bosh Fawstin (left) is presented with a check for 12,500 by Dutch politician Geert Wilders (center)
and Pamela Geller (right) during a ceremony at the Curtis Culwell Center just before the shootings occurred.
Here is a captured timeline from one of our readers on Twitter – this account has now been suspended:
And know that every time you insult the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w we will respond harshly, from paris to texas u are not safe at all.
3 retweets 5 favorites
AbuHussainAlBritani @_AbuHu55ain · 14m 14 minutes ago
They showed their love for the prophet Muhamamd s.a.w by sacrificing their lives for his honor – ?#?GarlandShooting?
7 retweets 5 favorites
AbuHussainAlBritani @_AbuHu55ain · 15m 15 minutes ago
The brothers in texas may have had no experience in shooting but they was quick to defend the honor of the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w !
6 retweets 5 favorites
AbuHussainAlBritani @_AbuHu55ain · 47m 47 minutes ago
“And do not say about those who are killed in the way of Allah , “They are dead.” Rather, they are alive, but you perceive it not”
8 retweets 5 favorites
AbuHussainAlBritani @_AbuHu55ain · 49m 49 minutes ago
The 2 Brothers attained shahdah in texas! O Kuffar know that death is better than living humiliated! Allahu Akbar !!! #garlandshooting
17 retweets 10 favorites
AbuHussainAlBritani @_AbuHu55ain · 53m 53 minutes ago
If there is no check on the freedom of your speech, then let your hearts be open to the freedom of our actions #GarlandShooting ?#?TexasAttack?
8 retweets 8 favorites
AbuHussainAlBritani @_AbuHu55ain · 58m 58 minutes ago
They Thought They Was Safe In Texas From The Soldiers of The Islamic State – #garlandshooting #TexasAttack
18 retweets 9 favorites
AbuHussainAlBritani @_AbuHu55ain · 1h 1 hour ago
Kill Those That Insult The Prophet – #GarlandShooting
16 retweets 8 favorites
AbuHussainAlBritani @_AbuHu55ain · 1h 1 hour ago
Allahu Akbar!!!!! 2 of our brothers just opened fire at the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) art exhibition in texas! #TexasAttack
44 retweets 16 favorites
AbuHussainAlBritani @_AbuHu55ain · 1h 1 hour ago
@atawaakul May Allah swt reward you and give you Jannah !
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AbuHussainAlBritani retweeted
Shariah is Light @atawaakul · 2h 2 hours ago
The bro with me and myself have given bay’ah to Amirul Mu’mineen. May Allah accept us as mujahideen.
Make dua
31 retweets 21 favorites
AbuHussainAlBritani @_AbuHu55ain · 4h 4 hours ago
The knives have been sharpened, soon we will come to your streets with death and slaughter! ?#?QaribanQariba?
12 retweets 7 favorites
AbuHussainAlBritani @_AbuHu55ain · 4h 4 hours ago
“They want to extinguish the light of Allah with their mouths, but Allah will perfect His light, although the disbelievers dislike it” -61:8
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AbuHussainAlBritani @_AbuHu55ain · 4h 4 hours ago
Im back, follow & shoutout inshAllah – JazakAllah khair.
The Daily Mail couldn’t even bring themselves to show Mohammad in their report. After the Charlie Hebdo murders, this should be a stark reminder to Americans we are not immune from such atrocities. They are here and the war is now here in Good Morning, America. As Matthew Vadum at FrontPage Mag says the anti-cartoon Jihad has come to America.
Right now police are searching apartments of suspects and this will keep developing throughout the day. Search warrants are being executed at a condo in Phoenix, AZ where the culprits were roommates as I write this. As for me, I stand with Pamela, Robert, Geert and all the other brave souls who fight back against the Islamists and their evil agenda to conquer America.
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