Last night, author Trevor Loudon joined Glenn for an in-depth discussion on the growth of the progressive movement. In the interview, Loudon said that he believed Ted Cruz could be the leader America needs to lead it away from progressivism and back towards freedom. To secure his nomination, and eventually the presidency, Loudon suggested an unusual strategy: Cruz should name his cabinet and run as a team.
Glenn: So Trevor, you say that it is not the battle between Republicans and Democrats that is coming. You say it is the battle between…?
Trevor: It’s basically between the constitutionalists and the Communists. Those are the forces operating in the country today. The Communists are basically taking over the Democratic Party to a large degree, and on the other side of the fence, you’ve got the Republicans who are about a third progressives, a third go-alongs-to-get-alongs, and a third constitutionalists, and they have their Tea Party allies, the 9/12 allies, etc. So, to save America, that third of the GOP with the Tea Party, with the 9/12s, they have to be the people that do this. They are the only force that can turn this country around.
From a distance, you watch what’s happening here in America. Do you see anybody on the horizon that you think really gets it?
Yeah, look, I’m a big Ted Cruz fan, to be honest. I think he’s the one with the inspiration factor. He’s got the leadership qualities. He’s the most Reaganesque out there. I’m advocating that he runs early and names his entire cabinet, runs as a team, and barnstorms this country, you know, he puts Rand Paul as Secretary of the Treasury, do what he damn well wants to the Federal Reserve and the IRS, you know?
Nobody’s ever done that.
No, but there’s nothing to stop it. Well, Reagan named his cabinet in ’76 when he first tried for the nomination. He didn’t do it again in 1980, but look, unite the whole base. Name your whole cabinet, somebody to appeal to every element of your base, you know? John Bolton, Secretary of State.
Can you imagine John Bolton as Secretary of State?
Imagine what he would do to your enemies.
Oh my gosh.
Imagine how he could rebuild the Western alliance, basically flip the bird to your enemies.
If that would happen, it would be one of those things where Ted Cruz would put his hand on the Bible and take the oath, and our enemies would do exactly what happened in 1980 with Ronald Reagan. I mean, it’s just a different world overnight.
You know, how bad were those Carter years? A lot of people thought when Jimmy Carter was president that America would never be great again. The mood of despondency was that bad, and it took Reagan two years to flip the whole mood of the country, lower taxes. You know, he got the economy working again. He rebuilt your military, took out the Soviet Union without firing a shot, you know? He changed the whole mood. Well, I think that can happen again, because you’ve never had a bigger base out there.
Reagan had a base of conservatives, but with what you’ve done, what Mark Levin’s done, what the Tea Party has done, look, I’ve been to 43 states. There are millions of people out there now who talk about the Constitution, love the Constitution, understand what makes America great. That base is out there. If Ted Cruz gets up and runs and names his entire cabinet, runs as a team, barnstorms against the country, I think there will be nothing to stand in your way. I think it could just flip this country around just overnight.
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