By: Dick Manasseri
All Together Now — Ready-Aim-Fire!
How Can We Tolerate RINO Collaborators
Who Choose Elite Status over the Constitution & Our Freedom?
Mega-RINO Mitch McConnell
RINO Pat Roberts
Fight back against recent Alinsky-type hardball ambushes by the GOP Establishment and pull the trigger in unison for two outstanding Constitutionalists:
Matt Bevin — Kentucky
Dr. Milton Wolf — Kansas
It’s a Bird, it’s a Plane, It’s
Madison Project AD: It’s Debt Man
FreedomWorks: “McConnell makes Obama a king”
Just Plain Out-of-Touch
Madison Project: Out-of-Touch with Kansas
Mark Levin: “[Wolf’s] a solid conservative, not just in this election, but before this election which means After this election.”
Watch this space for the next RINO Hunt Call-to-Concerted-Action!
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