By: Brent Parrish
The Right Planet

I’ve been busy with some non-blog related matters and haven’t had a chance to update the blog this week. But I thought I’d sit down and put up a quick post about finally getting the chance to meet noteworthy author and Council alumnus Trevor Loudon here in Indianapolis when he spoke to the Indianapolis TEA Party group on Sunday.

I had the opportunity to speak to him before and after his speech. Surprisingly, during his introduction Trevor Loudon actually called me out in the crowd and said it was good to finally meet me; and he mentioned the fact we had been emailing each other for years. I guess we have been emailing each other for years! Talking about being humbled … what an honor.

But that wasn’t all. I was also able to sit down with Trevor for breakfast on Monday. It was like talking to an old friend. We talked for well over an hour. It would take an entire article to go over all the things we discussed, not to mention the high-points of his presentation to the Indianapolis TEA Party group. It’s taken a few days just to collect my thoughts to a point where I can write about it. I’m still trying to absorb it all. So I’ve decided to write two articles: one, dealing with Trevor’s presentation; and the second, covering our conversation at breakfast on Monday. I’ll try to have something written up by end of the week.
Let me just say Trevor is an incredibly gracious and genuine person–the real McCoy. It was a real pleasure, and an honor, to be able to meet up with Trevor Loudon. And it was just like I expected: I could’ve talked to the man for hours.

Trevor Loudon on GBTV
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