Florida District 68 House Candidate Joshua Black introduced himself onto the political scene with a tweet he made agreeing with another Twitter user who had written that Obama should be hanged for treason. Of course, Candidate Black was immediately vilified by both the Left, all Marxist Democrats and the Marxist wing (aka “establishment”) of the Republican Party.
However, as the penalty for treason in the USA is still death by hanging for this highest of crimes against the US Republic, Joshua logically agreed with him. However, logic and its conclusions no longer appear to play much of a part–if any–in the now ‘brave new world’ of dumbed-down-by-the-media-and-government-school-system people who inhabit the United States of America. In November 2014, we shall see whether or not these individuals constitute a majority and whether or not conservatives opt–again–not to vote and, instead, hand our country lock, stock and barrel over to those who are salivating at the prospect of using brute force and violence to subjugate the American people as the Obama/New World Order Police State begins to grow exponentially.
In the meantime, after interviewing him, I found Joshua Black to be one of those intelligent and articulate Constitutional conservatives who made up the majority of our founders and one whom We-the-People need in order to wrest our country back from those who are leading us to abject ruin. I trust you will find him as capable and interesting as do I.
The Interview
Sher: Thanks so much for speaking with us, today, Joshua. You’ve turned into quite a controversial figure in the last month or so, with your run for District 68 Representative to the Florida House. In a tweet, you openly called for the hanging of Barack Hussein Obama for his crimes of committed treason.
The Democrats have vilified you and those in the liberal Republican establishment have called you a “flake.” However, the last time I checked, any conviction of the crime of treason in the United States of America carries the death penalty and specifically hanging the convicted. Also, even before your now infamous tweet, the Democrats–acting as if they know something–were already calling for an end to the death penalty for treason with HR 3741. Can you expound on your reasons for doing so to the readers? And what do you make of the Democrat proposal?
Joshua: Sher, I wasn’t the one who called for it–someone else did, and I tweeted that I agreed with them. I agreed for several reasons:
1) The president, when he was a candidate, fought hard for foreigners suspected of terrorism to have their day in court. But, when suspicions arose about the activities of Anwar al-Awlaki, an American citizen living in Yemen at the time, the President merely authorized two separate drone strikes against him and his teenage son, a direct violation of the 14th Amendment.
2) When civil war began to engulf Libya, the President–along with the international community–sent arms and air strikes to assist the rebels on the ground. Little did the American people know that these rebels were flying the flag of al-Qaeda, our enemy in the War on Terror. This is exactly the definition of Treason that the Constitution describes in Article III, the penalty for which, as you well noted and every single politician knows, has been hanging since the Act of Congress, in accordance with the authority given in that same Article, established said penalty.
3) The president has supplied drug gangs with weapons, through Operation Fast and Furious, another direct act of treason (aren’t we fighting a “War on Drugs”?) That resulted in the death of at least one American border patrol agent.
There are many more, but those should suffice.
As for the Democrats, their move to lessen the penalty for treason is hypocritical, considering they have eagerly sought the death penalty for George W. Bush for war crimes, Bradley Manning for aiding the enemy, and Eric Snowden for espionage. I think that they know that they could face these charges themselves–if there is a full revolution in America–and they want to leave an opening for them to return to power after people have forgotten their atrocities, ala Nelson Mandela.
Sher: Joshua, what made you decide to run for State office? Were there one or more predominant reasons that you believed it necessary?
Joshua: Ultimately, Sher, it boiled down to frustration. Every year, I didn’t want to vote for anybody, but I had to vote for somebody. I realized that the people in “the know” are not my friends and are not looking out for me. I decided that, if I wanted a candidate I could vote for with a clear conscience, I had to run for office. Some of your readers are going to need to come to the same conclusion.
Sher: Ideologically, what are your beliefs with regards to the US Constitution and Conservatism?
Joshua: I am glad that we have a Constitution that keeps the government on the same level as the People. After all, all governments are filled exclusively with humans–just like the citizens. The Bible is completely justified when it says that government should never be trusted (Psalm 118:8-9).
In fact, our founding fathers learned from history and the Bible, because they put into place ways of removing unjust officials and bringing them to justice with minimal blood shed. Impeachment (for the President and all unelected federal officials) and expulsion (for congress) allows us to correct errors and mitigate deceit and wrongdoing in government. Ultimately, though, the People are still in charge. This nation will only be as conservative, free, or just as its People want to be. That’s why we all need to be more vigilant to protect ourselves from criminal politicians who would make us their slaves. We do not exist to make them comfortable. They exist to do the jobs that We the People created for them in the Constitution, nothing more, nothing less.
Sher: Josh, thanks so much for your time today. Where can people go to find out more about you and make a donation to your campaign?
Joshua: Folks can visit my website, www.JoshuaBlack2014.com for all my policy positions and www.Facebook.com/JoshuaBlack2014 to get updates.
Donations can be given through the website as well, or by going to www.rally.org/JoshuaBlack2014, or by mailing a check payable to Joshua Black Campaign to:
P.O. BOX 534
Pinellas Park, FL 33780
Sher: Thanks, again, and we wish you all the best with your campaign.
Joshua: Thanks for having me.
Contributions to political campaigns are limited by Florida law to $1000 per entity per cycle (primary or general). Campaign contributions are not tax-deductible for IRS purposes. Contributions above $100 require the disclosure of the donor’s occupation.
—– GB —–
Dem Bill Would End Death Penalty for Espionage, Treason, Assassinations:
at breitbart.com
Florida House candidate Joshua Black calls for hanging of President Obama (video):
at tampabay.com
Obama is the Enemy to the United States..”America’s decline under Obama isn’t due to mistake, ignorance, or incompetence.”It’s by Design…He is unconstitutional and in violation of his oath of office to “uphold the law.”
Terrorism, economic collapse and revolution. That is what installed Lenin. That is what installed Hitler and that is exactly the measures surrounding Barack Obama and what he embraces.
Obama’s “selective enforcement” is what dictators do, not American presidents…..
Obama should have been impeached long ago for Treason.
Benghazi. Extortion 17. U.N. Firearm Treaty. Cyber spying. Countless Executive Orders moving power from the people to himself. Fast & Furious. Bailout & fiscal irresponsibility. TPP which will annihilate the U.S. Constitution & sovereignty of this nation. Gov’t shutdown – There are three branches of the gov’t & Obama is controlling all three. Congress voted on budget & passed everything but ACA. Obama still won’t negotiate & has overstepped his authority.
It’s way past time to Impeach the imposture, Remove him at the end of a rope.
I agree 100% and would be happy to buy the Rope and put it around his NECK.
Oh ! The fraud and usurper barack hussein obama should be hung alright but it wont be for treason . In order for someone to betray a country they first have to be a citizen of that country . This fraud and usurper barack hussein obama is NOT a US citizen .
In violation of his oath of office to uphold the law. That is the only disagreeable part. Remember he flubbed his swearing in in 2009 January and had a do-over behimd closed doors with SCJ John Roberts? What did he swear allegience on or to at that secret swearing in? Why have all the smart people on this gov’t gone stupid? And not one conservative talking head has spoken about his usurpation? Oh to keep on talkin. And O is still in the white house. He will never be removed cause they just talk talk talk.
The fraud and usurper barack hussein obama cannot be charged with TREASON because he was NEVER a US Citizen to begin with so he could never betray a country he did not belong to !
The fraud and usurper barack hussein obama is a foreign spy . During World War ll spies were shoot or hung .