Meet Trevor Loudon and learn about the “Enemies Within” who seek to destroy this country and our liberties.

- Start: 10 February 2014 6:30 pm
- Venue: Putnam County Airport – Dixie Chopper Buisness Center
- Categories: 2014 Book Tour
Trevor names names. He’ll expose the enemies in the U.S. Congress so you can vote them out in November! Trevor will be signing books before and after he speaks. Don’t miss this event. Bring your friends and family. It’s that important.
Trevor Loudon spoke before the Myrtle Beach SC TEA Party Convention, January 19th and said,
“I vowed to make this book smaller than the last one—but it’s actually bigger. Because those bloody Commies just kept on coming.”
“What the book is about is the big secret of modern Communism, and that was borrowed of the devil. The cleverest thing the devil ever did is convince people he didn’t exist. What have the communists done in the last 20 years? They convinced the people that they didn’t exist and if they did exist they were no longer a threat.”
The Greencastle Defenders of Liberty have made this important event possible. Get informed and then join in with patriots to regain our country. Know your enemies. The Enemies Within.
If your TEA Party, 9.12, or patriotic group would like to have Trevor Loudon speak, please contact Regina Thompson.
Check out Trevor’s TOUR MAP AND SCHEDULE, constantly being updated with new events and venues.
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