Trevor Loudon Spoke at the Richmond TEA Party & All I Can Say is WOW!

By: Tom White
Virginia Right!


The word I used in the title for this post, WOW, has a double meaning. The first and most important meaning is WOW! As in this guy with the cool New Zealand accent is an amazing, edge of your seat kind of speaker.

The second meaning of the word is actually an acronym that speaks to how I came to know who Trevor Loudon was several years ago. We are both members of a small group of activists, bloggers, journalists and friends that belong to a group known as the Watcher of Weasels Council. (WoW.)

I met Trevor a couple of years ago in person at CPAC up in Washington DC but the schedule and activities didn’t allow me me much time to do more than shake hands and put a live face to the guy who’s blog – New Zeal – I had been reading since joining the Council several years ago. And I would suggest you make it a regular stop, as I do.

But this was the first chance I have had to listen to Trevor speak to a group on one of his areas of expertise – Communism and specifically it’s nasty infiltration into America. And if you were at all skeptical that the great Communist invasion was happening in this country, you won’t be after listening to Loudon. He names names and kicks ass.

And just why would someone from New Zealand give a rip about America? And what would make such a person become an expert on American politics? And while I have never had the privileged of visiting his home country, I have seen pictures and watched Lord of the Rings that was filmed there. If I lived there I doubt I would care what was happening in America. Besides, if everything goes to hell in an hand-basket here, New Zealand seems a perfectly acceptable place to move to if we can’t fix this country. I love lamb and they have amazing lamb. And I am sure they have beer.

But Trevor understands that if America falls completely down the path Obama has planned for us, the evil forces in the world will divide up most of the world and New Zealand would suffer an unimaginable reality without the US in the mix.

I really had not considered that point of view. I thought I was doing this for my kids and grandkids. but he is absolutely right.

Now I am not going to spoil his talk or steal his thunder. I don’t think I could.

But what I can tell you is when Trevor Loudon comes to your area, go out of your way if you need to, but go. And spend a few minutes listening to him list the connections between the Communists, the unions, the Democrats and how those relationships evolved into the unhealthy mix they are today.

Find out how Obama’s associations with Communists forged his point of view.

And you will find out that what Obama has in store for us is not to make us like France or Germany. No, it is much worse than that. He is aiming for an America that is run by an oppressive totalitarian government more like Venezuela or Cuba. Where we have no rights and there is only one party.

And just when you are ready to run screaming from the room, Trevor offers some solutions. Like Ted Cruz announcing he is running for president. And immediately selecting Allen West as his VP. And uniting every faction on the right by promising the Libertarians that he would name Rand Paul as Treasury Secretary. And his other possible pledged appointments would be designed to pull in Evangelicals, Home Schoolers and others on the right. (Mark Levin as Attorney General!)

If you don’t do anything else this month, go see Trevor Loudon while he is in Virginia. He will be gone in 90 days – that Visa thing. (Although he did entertain the idea of staying 91 days thinking he may get a free cell phone or food stamps by overstaying his Visa.)

If you live in the Tidewater area, Trevor will be at:

Verge Building
4299 George Washington Memorial Highway, Hayes, VA 23072
On Route 17 in Gloucester County, 6 miles North of the Coleman Bridge. Link to directions:

TOMORROW – Friday Jan. 24, 2014 at 7:30 PM.

And he will be in Louisa (between Richmond and Charlottesville):

Sunday, January 26th, 2014 at 2:30 pm
Best Western Crossroads Inn
135 Wood Ridge Terrace
Zion Crossroads, VA

Trust me. You need to go see Trevor Loudon. He will scare the hell out of you with what is happening now, make you feel proud of the efforts you have been making, and most importantly encourage you with the hope of a light at the end of the tunnel.

The remainder of Trevor’s Virginia Schedule:

Radio Interview
Friday, January 24, 2014 — 1:00 pm (tentative)

ACT! For America Peninsulas Chapter & Middle Peninsula TEA Party
Lighthouse Worship Center, 4299 George Washington Memorial Hwy, Gloucester, VA
Friday, January 24, 2014 — 6:30 pm

Radio Interview Host Sue Ann Penna, Common Sense NJ on BlogTalk Radio
Saturday, January 25, 2014 — 10:00 am
Call-in (718) 508-9039

Trevor Loudon Speaks Before the Louisa VA TEA Party
Best Western Crossroads Inn, 135 Wood Ridge Terrace, Zion Crossroads, VA
Sunday, January 26, 2014 — 2:30 pm

The Prince William TEA Party Lunch and Evening Events
(You must make a reservation if you are interested in attending either our lunch meeting or our evening lecture)

Brittany’s Sports Bar, 12449 Dillingham Sq., Woodbridge, VA
Monday, January 27, 2014 — 11:15 am

13525 Zachary Taylor Ct., Manassas VA
Monday, January 27, 2014 — 7:00 pm

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