Is Rep. Steve Stockman a Worthy Candidate to Run Against Sen. Cornyn?

Stockman-SteveBy now, must if not all of us have heard the news that Republican House of Representatives Steve Stockman from Texas has decided to run against incumbent Republican John Cornyn for his Senate seat in 2014.

Mr. Stockman, a Tea Party favorite, cited the reason for his decision to run against Mr. Cornyn as being because Cornyn tried to “undermine” Ted Cruz in his bid to stop Obamacare.

Will there be any “skeletons” in Stockman’s closet that will have the progressive Democrats scrambling to air them on the “state run media?”  I uncovered several possible areas of interest to the Democrats while researching Mr. Stockman’s experience and background.  The Republicans, however, may not view this information in the same way and instead, may deem him a champion of their causes.

Stephen Ernest Stockman was born in Bloomfield, Michigan on November 14, 1956.   He graduated from the University of Houston-Clear Lake in 1990.  Soon after, he found himself unemployed and homeless.  He lived on the streets and was once arrested on a drug charge.  Later he became a born-again Christian and changed his life for the better.

He first ran for the House of Representatives in 1990 but was defeated.  He ran again in 1992 but was once again defeated.  In 1994, he ran again and was successful in defeating a 42 year incumbent.  Stockman represented the 9th District of Texas from 1995-1997.  He lost another Congressional election in Texas in 2006. He assumed office in January 2013 for the 36th District of Texas, after a successful run.  Perhaps his tenacity will serve him well in his 2014 bid against the newly elected incumbent, Mr. Cornyn.

The left has not viewed his time in Congress favorably.  Wikipedia cites a Houston Chronicle article that indicates that Stockman’s first two years in Congress were “marked by weirdness” when he claimed that the Clinton Administration had raided the Branch Davidian compound to justify a ban on assault weapons.  Perhaps a claim that today some would argue as a possibility based on the current Administration’s dealings involving the IRS, NSA, and anti-NRA stance.

Another incident of “weirdness” occurred on the day of the Oklahoma bombing.  It involved a fax that Stockman and several other Congress members received from a Texas Republican Chairwoman with ties to the Michigan militia. Finally, Stockman purportedly antagonized then House Speaker Newt Gingrich during his first two years, by opposing the U.S. bailout of the Mexican peso.

More recently, Stockman has openly called for an investigation into Benghazi.  Stockman, you may recall, issued a petition to force a vote in the House to investigate the killings of four Americans in Benghazi.

Video: “Rep. Steve Stockman Discussing Benghazi Scandal with Bill Hemmer

He was also the Congressman who invited the Rodeo Clown to Texas after the clown was banned for life in Missouri for “inciting violence against the President.”  Rep. Stockman reportedly said that “liberals want to bronco bust dissent” and his remarks weren’t well received by some on the left.

Rodeo ClownStockman is also outspoken against Common Core in schools.  He further spearheaded impeachment possibilities in November of this year against President Obama by handing out a book to his House colleagues calling for his impeachment.

He also took to twitter to criticize Obamacare and was accused of making a “transphobic” joke while speaking about Obamacare on The Steve Deace Show.

Finally, Stockman accused Obama of “acting like an emperor” on issues of Health Care and the Defense of Marriage Act during that same interview.

Rep. Stockman Makes Transphobic Joke” by RightWingWatch

Most of his votes as a Congressman have been rendered as expected.  For example, he co-sponsored and voted for a bill that would allow Americans to keep their health plans, voted for a bill to give supplemental nutrition to women, children and infants, and filed a bill to repeal the deadly gun ban on military bases.

It should be noted that Stockman was also given a 100% by American Conservative Union (ACU), the oldest membership-based Conservative organization in the United States that rates politicians on how they vote on issues.  The ACU’s most well-known event is the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC).

Whether Rep. Stockman will prove to be a worthy opponent to Sep. Cornyn in 2014 will ultimately be decided by you, the voter. Prepare yourself for the liberal propaganda machine and then get out and vote.


Knowles-Freedoms-FlightSusan Knowles is an author, psychotherapist and former practicing attorney.  Her latest book, a political fiction, is entitled, Freedom’s Fight: A Call to Remember available on    Her website is where this article may also be found.

The article appearing on this site is the property of Susan J. Knowles. It is protected by U.S. Copyright Laws, and is not to be downloaded or reproduced in any way without the written permission of Susan J. Knowles. Copyright 2013 Susan J. Knowles All Rights Reserved.




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