I have known Jim Simpson for a long time. His research and his work have always been excellent. Jim Simpson was the original source on the Cloward and Piven Strategy. He has been a driving force in the research on Agenda 21. In short, he has been a thorn in the collective side of the Left. Just my kind of guy.
Jim is part of a small group of fellow researchers and writers who are intent on exposing true history and what the American Left is truly up to. This group is standing against an army of Leftist/Progressives/Marxists/Communists and he needs your help. Anything you can spare to donate to Jim and his book project would be greatly appreciated – any donation, no matter how small or great, will be of tremendous help. I only wish I had the funds to just give him so he can complete this book – we need this book; it is incredibly important in the fight to get the truth out there. Once again, thank you for donating to Jim and I can’t wait for the book to come out. It should be on every bookshelf out there.
From James Simpson:
Dear Friends:
I urgently need your support. As some of you may know, I am writing a book, ZERO HOUR: Manufactured Crisis, Vote Theft, Strategic Corruption and the Purposeful Destruction of America; Who’s Behind It, and What Must Be Done to Stop Them Right NOW! This new book will reveal:
• The Soviet Union’s secret organizational model that continues to operate to this day. This was revealed by a Soviet defector and has never been seen by the general public before now.
• This model has been adopted by the American Left to subvert America, and deceive their opponents, while growing ever larger and more menacing.
• How the American left utilizes this model for no other reason than to make those at the top filthy rich and powerful on the backs of American taxpayers.
• How everything the Left does is merely a sophisticated divide-and-conquer strategy and every liberal agenda ultimately serves that purpose.
• What you can do, even if you don’t have time to leave your house.
I ran completely out of money this summer and have spent the time since then scrambling to find temporary employment to pay bills. However, every day working to pay bills is a day not working on the book – a catch-22.
I have a publisher. The manuscript was originally due December 1st. I have gotten an extension to February 1st, but my situation has not changed.
I have a solution. If I can raise $10,000 over the next few weeks I can finish this book by February 1. That means stretching every dollar to its maximum.
I write for Breitbart, American Thinker, WorldNetDaily and others, but they pay bare minimums. I have gone through my entire savings to support my writing. I know this is unwise, but felt compelled by our dire national circumstances that it was essential to keep fighting.
You know my writing and how for a decade I have exposed the Left’s little known strategies.
I know this project is worth completing. I know the Obama Administration and the radical Left will be outraged by this book’s revelations. If I didn’t think it was worth the fight, I wouldn’t turn to you now.
Would you please consider donating to the cause? Please click on the following link and donate what you can:
My distribution list is small, comprised only of those who have asked to be on it. If every single person made a $50 contribution I would reach the $10,000 goal. I know that is a tall order, so please share this with your friends and ask them to contribute as well.
Thanks in advance for your consideration.
Jim Simpson
American Thinker
AGENDA Documentary
Twitter, FacebookP.S. This project must be finished and published. Please, if possible, make a contribution now.
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