A Modern Paul Revere Visits Michigan

By: Dick Manasseri


To many Americans, Ted Cruz represents the resistance movement that it will take to reclaim America.

Frank Beckmann, of WJR 760 AM, gave us an opportunity to hear from another ‘Paul Revere’ traveling the countryside with a wakeup call that Ted Cruz would certainly sanction. New Zealand researcher of the American Left, Trevor Loudon, provided Beckmann’s listeners with the brutal confirmation that we may be nearing the end of America as a free country.

Loudon continued his freedom ride in Michigan though Bloomfield and Shelby, Lapeer and Howell, and all the way to Kalamazoo. Thousands of freedom-loving Americans across the country are coming out to hear him proclaim that the enemies come “not by land and not by sea” but from within – “the Communists, Socialists, and Progressives within the US Congress.”

Loudon implores the patriots that gather to hear him, to envision America led once again by statesmen and servant leaders that he refers to as the Cruz Coalition.

He speaks about the constitutional caucus unifying the Tea Party, Libertarians, and Independents to retake the GOP from the Progressives.

He presents a clear wake-up call-to-action involving legislative accountability, RINO hunting, the Liberty Amendments, and curtailing the power of Big Labor. As Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s famous poem noted:

“In the hour of darkness and peril and need,
The people will waken and listen to hear

The hurrying hoof-beats of that steed,

And the midnight message of Paul Revere.”

The question remains – will enough distracted Americans heed this ‘midnight message’ in time?

Editor’s Note: Mr. Loudon spoke last night in Shelby Township. Here’s a report about the extremely enthusiastic reception his presentation received.

He will be speaking, tonight, at 7 p.m., in Howell at the Crystal Gardens Banquet Center.

On October 9th, he will speaking at the Paw Paw Conservation Club at 6:00 p.m.

Dick Manasseri, a resident of Rochester Hills, is a big fan of the US Constitution, doing whatever he can to preserve and protect it for his children and grandchildren.

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