Accused Army Traitor Cruised Gay Bars

As “young conservatives” like Erick Erickson and S.E. Cupp defend Ann Coulter’s scheduled appearance at the “Homocon” pro-gay rights conference in September, new evidence about the destructive nature of the homosexual lifestyle has surfaced in the treason case of gay soldier Bradley Manning.

Bradley Manning, anti-American leaker & homosexual activist

Information developed by CNN suggests that Manning, who may have been considering a sex change, had been cruising the homosexual subculture for several years, under the noses of his military superiors, and even went to gay bars. All of this constitutes a blatant violation of the “Don’t ask, Don’t tell,” homosexual exclusion policy that President Obama has promised to overturn.

Ignoring the national security implications of the sensational case, S.E. Cupp, an occasional guest on the Fox News Channel, tells Matt Lewis of Politics Daily that “Conservatism and gay rights are actually natural allies.” She is, ironically, the author of a book, Losing Our Religion, on how “Judeo-Christian values” are in danger of being “relegated to the hush-hush subculture unable to operate in the open without fear of retribution and censorship.”

Cupp apparently missed the parts of the Bible that talk about marriage between a man and a woman, and homosexuality being unnatural and sinful. She seems unaware of how Christians in Britain are losing their rights to openly practice their religion in the face of a national policy of enforcing acceptance of homosexual rights. That policy was started by socialist Tony Blair and is now being pursued by the so-called British “Conservative” Prime Minister, David Cameron.

In an editorial titled, “The Pentagon’s Deadly Diversity,” the Republican-American newspaper of Waterbury, Connecticut, charges that, with few exceptions, “news of the military’s coddling of Pfc. Manning has been kept under wraps by the mainstream news media. This is in keeping with its suppression of news that undermines the myth of benign, wholesome homosexuality they have spent years cultivating. But imagine the commotion had Pfc. Manning been a Republican, conservative, devout Christian or member of a tea party.”

One of the exceptions was a very revealing CNN Report on August 9 which quoted a close friend of the arrested intelligence analyst as saying, “In my opinion, I feel that sexuality, his own sexuality and what had happened to him in the military, coupled with the policy of the military played a significant role in the reason as to why he did what he did.”

In other words, Manning lashed out against America and its allies because of the Pentagon’s homosexual exclusion policy. In addition to being openly gay, he was a humanist and atheist.

The new information adds to the case, made by Accuracy in Media, that the much-criticized “Don’t ask, Don’t tell,” homosexual exclusion policy was not being strictly enforced under the Obama Administration.

The policy has been repealed by the House but awaits Senate action.

In its editorial, the Republican-American compared the treatment of Manning to the U.S. military’s coddling of Maj. Nidal Hasan, the self-proclaimed Soldier of Allah who gunned down 13 people in the Fort Hood massacre last fall. The paper said, “The Pentagon is so wedded to the principles of political correctness and diversity and so protective of minorities that it couldn’t come to protect its own by drumming Maj. Hasan out of the military even after it discovered through his e-mails with Muslim extremists that he saw ‘fighting against the U.S. Army (as) an Islamic duty.’”

In an August 9 report, CNN posed the question: “How does a computer-savvy 22-year-old go from an intelligence analyst in Iraq to the man accused of the biggest military leak in American history?” CNN Pentagon correspondent Chris Lawrence investigated the private life of Bradley Manning and confirmed that his homosexuality, which was advertised on his Facebook page and included a photograph of him in a gay pride parade, seemed to stem from Manning’s lack of a father figure in his life. His parents were divorced when he was 13 and Manning remained with his mother.

CNN’s Lawrence also reported, “We know Manning moved back to the States five years ago. One night he came to this gay bar here in D.C., met another young man who had been in the Army. But this man had a very positive experience about being gay in the military and he talked to Manning about the discipline and everything else he had learned.”

But Manning’s experience was not so good, not because of what his superiors were doing to him but because soldiers did not accept him. It is apparent that they were concerned at Manning’s flaunting of the prohibition of displays of open homosexuality.

A friend of Manning’s called “Tim” by CNN said that the soldier “felt verbally, emotionally abused because of his sexuality” and was “verbally abused, right from boot camp.” Nevertheless, Manning was made an Army intelligence analyst and said “I can’t believe I’m an intel analyst. I can’t believe they made me an intel analyst.”

It is truly unbelievable. Who in the Army decided to make Manning, who was openly flouting the law on homosexuality, an intelligence analyst with access to classified information? There has been no follow-up from the liberal or conservative media on this sensitive point.

Two years ago, “Tim” indicated, Manning became politicized and came to believe that the “discrimination” and the “Don’t ask, Don’t tell,” policy had created an uncomfortable “atmosphere” for him. He apparently believed it wasn’t being repealed fast enough to suit him.

However, the “discrimination” wasn’t too overwhelming because Manning’s Facebook page took stands on issues such as supporting the repeal of California’s ban on gay marriage and ending the Pentagon’s homosexual exclusion policy.

He was, for all intents and purposes, violating the law. Yet he had a security clearance.

“Tim” told CNN: “In my opinion, I feel that sexuality, his own sexuality and what had happened to him in the military, coupled with the policy of the military played a significant role in the reason as to why he did what he did.”

By all accounts, Manning’s alleged theft and leaking of classified information has put the lives of our troops and foreigners working for the U.S. military in jeopardy.

The Republican-American asked, “How many more brave service men and women have to die before the Pentagon and the Joint Chiefs of Staff admit the irreparable damage political correctness, tolerance and diversity has inflicted upon the military’s ability to defend this nation?”

A Senate vote to repeal the homosexual exclusion policy could come when the body takes up the annual defense spending bill. The House included a repeal of the policy in its version of the bill that was passed earlier this year.

Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid has promised homosexual rights and left-wing activists that he will get the repeal through the Senate.

Graphic images added by Gulag Bound

Cliff Kincaid is the Editor of Accuracy in Media, and can be contacted at

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