New Zealand based author Trevor Loudon will be touring the United States in the second half of 2013 and again in 2014, to promote his upcoming book, “The Enemies Within: Communists, Socialists, and Progressives in the US Congress.”
Loudon’s book will show how the radical left has been able to advance its Marxist agenda in the U.S. House and Senate by utilizing a large network of sympathetic and covertly socialist legislators.
The book will profile more than 50 of the worst offenders. Many of these people are outright security risks. They are connected to domestic Marxist groups and often to hostile foreign powers. Most would not be allowed to clean the toilets at any military base in America. Yet, they are allowed to sit on powerful policy committees, with huge influence and access to all sorts of sensitive information, with zero security service scrutiny, vetting or security clearance.
This is America’s “Achille’s Heel.” It must be exposed and the problem corrected if America is to survive.
Trevor Loudon is the author of “Barack Obama and the Enemies Within,” an oft referenced work that blew the lid off the president’s extensive Marxist background. He is also the editor of this blog and of KeyWiki, an online encyclopedia covering the covert side of U.S. politics.
He has broken several major stories, but is most well known for exposing the connection between Barack Obama and his boyhood mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, as well as the communist background of Obama “Green Jobs Czar” Van Jones, which led to his departure from the White House.
Trevor addressed more than 150 patriot audiences in more than 20 states in 2011/2012. He already has several dozen tentative invitations for appearances into late 2014.
If you would like to discuss Trevor Loudon addressing your conference, group or gathering, please email tour coordinator Regina Thomson as soon as possible, to avoid possible disappointment.
Trevor Loudon covers costs with proceeds from book sales, speaker’s fees, “love offerings” and donations.
Touring is expensive and pre-booking cuts costs enormously. We are appealing for financial assistance to build a tour “war chest,” so that travel, research and associated tour costs can be covered well in advance. So, early bookings and financial assistance are very welcome.
Please help today!
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