Film director Brian de Palma badmouths his country big time with Valeria Paikova of Russia Today.
De Palma enthusiastically feeds Paikova’s blatant Kremlin line propaganda, with not a trace of shame.
The irony of criticizing the most benevolent country in the world, on the the propaganda outlet of one of the world’s worst tyrannies, appears to be lost on Mr. De Palma.
RT: You’ve studied the phenomenon, or rather the pathology of violence for over four decades. Why is America so keen to get involved in conflicts wherever they happen, Afghanistan to Libya, shooting first and thinking later?
BDP: Many things that are repeated over and over again sort of create a special atmosphere. One is: ‘America is the greatest nation in the world!’ I don’t know how many times I’ve heard that! Do they say that in Russia? Do you say Russia is the greatest nation in the world?
De Palma’s mindset is a great example of why Hollywood needs to be fumigated.
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