“And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled;
for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.”
– Jesus Christ, Matthew 24:6 *
The following is meant for Christians, those believing God has communicated consistently to man in the Bible, to draw attention to Jesus Christ, thus to true life with Him and understanding of how to live it. Others are invited to read, as well, though it is not presented in Christianity-101 fashion.
Please do wade through my introductory words, or just skip over them, and get to Phyllis Ford’s Word of the Lord, for July. It was first disseminated in email and Facebook I think on July 1st. However, interestingly enough, technical issues caused her to delay putting it on the site of Carpenter’s Touch, until the 4th, the day we celebrate the birth of the United States of America. CarpentersTouch.org reflects the ministry Phyllis shares with her husband and pastor, Miles Ford.
I not infrequently run into Christians who are tempted into Last Days Malaise and its symptoms of fatalism, passivity, and even a kind of depression, just when we should be highly motivated and productive for the Great Commission (and its very present Christ, God with Us, by Word and Spirit, Lord of the Harvest, Husband of the Bride). It is easy to become distracted and hindered in discernment, when we hear fellow Christians focusing upon certain Biblical prophecies as if they have a personal investment in their being for this time.
To make matters worse, some purported Christians are making their profession the spreading of messages of doom and gloom, filled with unsubstantiated speculations focused on apparent works of Satan, allegedly prophesied in the Bible, concerning the end of the age. And they allege, or take pains to imply, these prophecies are about our current day – or tomorrow – or the day after – or something. They get to be like Typhoid Mary, spreading a disease that seems to paralyze and with malaise, taint its communicable victims. But God’s authentic messages cleanse and heal us! they build us up in the truth! They do not make us sick!
We must be careful to pay attention to that which tends to make us sick. Humans are spiritual beings and we are created to worship. That to which we affix our attention and take to heart may begin to communicate with us and we may become like it. So, whom should we surpassingly regard and how does that person call us to be? With whom should we be absorbed, even overwhelmed, if you will?
Hint: it has been “the last days” ever since the apostles wrote about it in their letters. At one point, Jesus gave us a list of trials and tribulations, to point out that we should set our focus upon Himself, the Bridegroom, over our circumstances.*
I try to explain that though the Bible tells something of Satan’s works at the very end of the age, and presumably his style and methods until then, we must follow along and attend closely the signs, signals, and communicated plans of God (His logos and rhema Word) and not those of the adversary and his schemes. Or, we begin to observe and even obey, perhaps inadvertently, Satan’s semiotics and not our Lamb and King’s. Natures of life (zoe) are conveyed by signals and words, after all.
As for troubling circumstances, we would remember Joshua, Caleb, and David, who found giants along their paths in life, showing up as threatening obstacles in God’s ways for them. Their encounters happened in no small part, for our own training. They were victorious.
Psalm 101:3-4
New American Standard Bible (NASB)
3 I will set no (A)worthless thing before my eyes;
I hate the [a]work of those who (B)fall away;
It shall not fasten its grip on me.
4 A (C)perverse heart shall depart from me;
I will know no evil.
Proverbs 18:20-21
New International Version 1984 (NIV1984)
20 From the fruit of his mouth a man’s stomach is filled;
with the harvest from his lips he is satisfied.(A)
21 The tongue has the power of life and death,(B)
and those who love it will eat its fruit.(C)
Romans 12:21
New International Version 1984 (NIV1984)
21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
Claimer (well, it’s not a dis-claimer):
This is Phyllis’ pronouncement, presented in faith as Christian prophecy, something the apostle, Paul strongly exhorted be done by Christians blessed with that gift of the Holy Spirit (see I Corinthians 12-14).
I have had conversations and prayers with her on numerous occasions and have “checked her out” by Scriptural standards. Some say that a true prophet of God must never make a mistake in doing so; that he or she is condemned if shown to be fallible. That is from a rigid interpretation of a sensible rule, presented during the Covenant of Moses.
In the New Testament, we are taught that something new is done, that the Holy Spirit may pour Himself out upon those who thoroughly yield to Christ as personal Savior and Lord, in a new way, even though “we have this treasure in earthen vessels,” in our fallible, often fleshly lives. We are told God gives numerous gifts, and they are shown in each recipient according to God’s specific will with each one, praise His name. With some, we may have specific words given us in the order of someone giving us dictation. With another, or at another time, we may have deep impressions and listen though the filter of our own spirit and what words come of them. Still, consistency must be shown for a prophet to be understood as authentically gifted, in that he does not go around giving words that contradict Scripture, or saying other untrue things.
In my experience, Phyllis is quite apparent as someone who listens for God and who then finds herself listening to God, and one who takes pains to be accurate to only His communication, especially when presenting it as such.
Phyllis Ford’s Word of the Lord, for July, 2012
July 4, 2012
“It is important for you to know that everything is and will be determined by what you will follow after and who you will serve. If you live after my truth you will find an open access to many things that you would never thought otherwise will be available and accessible to you because you first sought after the things of my kingdom and my righteousness.”
“So I speak to your hearts today because it is vitally important what you will believe and what you will declare as truth. For many are following after deceptions, that will find themselves later looking for ways to get out of what has held them captive. So you must believe and follow by faith the course that I am leading you through and as you follow you will know and understand that my way is sure, for my course for your life is direct. These principles along these lines are simple and not complex.”
“In the future days you will see troubling events that will occur and even challenge many with fear because of the uncertainty of their future. But this is the time where your faith will secure your understanding as to why so many things are now occurring. The actions and choices of nations have come up before me and the time of assessment has been determined. The circumstances that surround many nations had to do with the evil determination of a few. But also know that the majority had as much a part in it as well. It was selfishness, pride, corruption and the apathy that many people have had, for they did not care about what was going on, until the trouble came to their own door.”
“In the very midst of this, I have a plan and I have a way to change the course of how this nation is going and is going to be restored in a new way on the other side of the turmoil. As you move forward know that I have called you to pray, called you to conquer, to fulfill the works of my plan. I am raising you up not to allow you to be destroyed but to be the key fulfillment of these things. For these things will not be played out in the mind of those setting the plans of this world, they have been established in the heavens and they will be come to pass according to my word.”
“How will you know? You will know because I will reveal it to you in my word; and I have also written it upon the tablets of your heart. As these things will unfold you will know what to do and you will find the things that you needed the most come to pass by your faith in me, your life in me, and your walk in me. This will be a time that even in the midst of evil men setting out to implement their plans but my plans will also be carried out and within those very plans I will make ways of escape, the new ways of access, open doors and entry ways into the fulfillment of that which I have determined before the foundation of the world. So you will know that in the midst of everything you see and you witness in this hour, I have a counterplan, a way of deliverance, I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert. Whatever you will need I will provide for I will prepare the way for you in even in barrenness so that you may know that I am your God and your redeemer, says the Lord. So you must know that my plan for you is sure and it will walk you through as you follow me.”
“So be diligent don’t draw back, don’t allow the atmosphere to dictate your feelings, don’t let the negativity of men’s words move you to falter. I have established a will and a way but when you hear my instructions be quick to take heed and quick to obey all of my words, which I speak to you in this hour. This is the time to not allow petty differences, nor to allow bitterness to set in and pollute your soul. Read and study my word, allow it to become a part of you, allow it to open up to you mysteries that will unlock my truths before you. Increase your capacity to receive my new life. Drink it in as new wine to purify and cleanse you. Know that the old containers that once held old religious mindsets and old stubborn ways will not be able to contain the new wine of My Spirit that will flow freely to you in this hour.”
“For there will be a day that I will prepare the time for the wedding feast. In you I am saving the best wine for last. It was the beginning of a poured out life by my servants. As the wine comes forth out of water, know I will fill my vessels and they will be filled up to overflowing, with new life, new purpose and new understanding.”
“Humble yourselves in a new way rending your hearts and not your garments and know I am able to line up your life so that the hour of your destiny may be realized. For even when the children of Israel were being delivered out of the land; the Egyptians were being judged. What will seem to be a way of escape to one people was the beginning of a judgment to others. I have a plan and that plan will come forth, I have a provision even in a time of famine.”
“This month will be the month where you will witness me move supernaturally through your natural circumstances that you have experienced for long periods of time. You were not able to overcome but you will now breakthrough. You will know that your faith and diligence have finally brought you to the place that I had prepared for you. Look for suddenlies for they will come forth at this time. You must stay in watch & prayer mode, fasting & watching mode, and prayer & fasting mode. It will keep you alert and ready for all that will happen in this season.”
“Just as seeds are planted for the harvest, what you have sown has taken root and is now bearing fruit. This is a time when your seeds will yield their rewards. For those who have sown your time, your work, and your life for the sake of the gospel will be rewarded. Your labor of love has not been in vain for those of you who have continuously given into the kingdom work and you will see that harvest now. In fact, in this time you will begin to see the reaper overtake the sower.
Psalm 126:5,6, “They that sow in tears shall reap in joy. He that goes forth and weeps, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him.”
“Even seeds sown will reap an accelerated harvest as quick as it is sown. It is not a time to become overly excited about what you have, but it’s important that you continue to accomplish what you have been instructed to do. There are some things that will be unavoidable but begin to think differently so that you will know the proper timing of how and when to do a thing because I will be leading you and guiding you. Remember and always be reminded, that I have placed in you all that you need.”
“I am about to sweep nations to judge and to dispel confusion in your midst and to restore clarity and provide cleansing. I am about to sweep over the land with my anointing to break bondages and to release a wave of evangelism to touch men’s souls that will cry out to me, says the Lord. I am reconciling all those who seek reconciliation with my life, my light, and my glory.”
Isaiah 14:23 New Living Translation “I will make Babylon a desolate place of owls, filled with swamps and marshes. I will sweep the land with the broom of destruction. I, the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, have spoken!”
Isaiah 44:22 “I have swept away your sins like a cloud. I have scattered your offenses like the morning mist. Oh, return to me, for I have paid the price to set you free.”
Prophetic Insights
The Lord began to share with me some principles that will be emphasized during this month. They were shown to me on a very simple level concerning sowing and reaping. Many times when people hear this term the first thing that they might think about is sowing financially but the emphasis here is on a totally different level. In fact in this instance sowing has to do with what we give ourselves to and what we sow our lives into instead of money. The Lord pointed out these scriptures.
Galatians 6:4-10 “But let every man prove his own work, and then shall he have rejoicing in himself alone, and not in another. 5 For every man shall bear his own burden. 6 Let him that is taught in the word communicate unto him that teacheth in all good things. 7 Be not deceived ; God is not mocked : for whatsoever a man soweth , that shall he also reap . 8 For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting. 9 And let us not be weary in well doing : for in due season we shall reap , if we faint not. 10 As we have therefore * opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.”
We give ourselves to many things, our interests, our belief systems, our time and even levels of commitment. It is important that we begin to take heed as to what we have sown in our lives. There will always be a day that we will be ultimately accountable for the things that we chose to do, think, give into, and sow into—as there will always come times when what we have sown will produce a harvest and we will then reap the benefits or consequences of what has been sown. This principle is carried in God’s word to us individually, as family, as a people, as a nation and so on.
We are in the throes of that time in this month of July. It is a time of times, when the consequences of men’s behavior, lifestyles and decisions will lead to an end result whether right or wrong. The good news is the Lord God has also made some decisions: His love for his people has been long suffering and the time now comes to deal with the issues of the day whether they will be reaped with joy or regret, by the mercies of God will always have a redemptive plan. So in spite of who we are and what we have done if we repent and humble ourselves, our Lord is faithful to forgive us of our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. But the door of that grace is narrowing and we must now make our calling and election sure.
2 Peter 1:5-11 NIV For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness, love. For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. But if anyone does not have them, he is nearsighted and blind, and has forgotten that he has been cleansed from his past sins. Therefore, my brothers, be all the more eager to make your calling and election sure. For if you do these things, you will never fall, and you will receive a rich welcome into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Prophetic Intercession
I have had several dreams/visions with bombings. War plans between nations have not lifted from off my radar. Even though there are many theories as to the seriousness of possible wars, I am continuing to watch Russia and the US because no matter what may appear outwardly the undercurrent of the conflict between both nations will be revealed.
I had two very vivid dreams recently:
Dream #1: I was in a special meeting with authorities on seismology and they were trying to understand the various violent earthquake activity. It seemed that there had been quite a few earthquakes of high magnitudes occurring in a succession of each other. This seem to be within the US. However there were other areas that were experiencing the same activity.
Dream #2: I was in a building with watchmen and intercessors and the group was discussing strategies. One of those whose appearance was angelic-like began to speak to the group and said this was a serious time to press in and not ease up in our endeavors to pray without ceasing. The angel said that many groups were assuming that other groups were taking the lead in prayer but that the productivity level was not as high as it should be. So we all recommitted to increase our prayer times and intensity. We got ready to leave the meeting and the angel who had been speaking in the meeting said to me: “Don’t be concerned—-Payday is coming!” It was repeated, “Did you hear me? Payday is coming!!” ( I knew that those words had a deeper significance than money.)
In prayer the Lord spoke to me about the former UN secretary general negotiations concerning peace agreements. He let me know that these agreements should be a cause for prayer. God made me aware that the one negotiating them could not be trusted. (At the time I [un]aware of any discussions but I just recently found out about several nations discussing peace relations with Syria) Let’s be on watch and prayer mode.
The Lord said, “That there will be pacts and agreements discussed and some even agreed upon but before the ink dries on the paper there would be broken promises and with no loyalties.”
Special Note: Watchmen/intercessors pray around the gates around London, Washington DC, New York, The Vatican, Brussels and Paris. (see Word of the Lord for May 2012 concerning “Gates.”)
Areas that are on our watch list: Hawaii, Sumatra, Indonesia, Virginia, Philippines, Japan, Seattle, California, Chicago, The East Coast and Veracruz.
Let’s continue to pray over the regions and precious people that have been affected by fires, floods, extreme heat, high winds/heavy rains and hurricanes.
A Personal Message from Prophet Phyllis Ford to all current subscribers:
I am personally asking you to sow a seed into this ministry—we are in preparation to launch our Apostolic Prophetic Leadership Ministry Training with schools of Apostolic Prophetic Ministry, Discipleship, Prayer Evangelism including Youth Ministries, with Live Streaming available. We are asking all of our subscribers to join us by sow a seed into this new work of the Lord. So many of you have emailed and shared how you have been impacted by the Lord’s prophetic releases from the West coast to the East coast from the Midwest region down to the south of the US to South Africa, Hong Kong to London and all the way to Israel—and many more. May God be glorified!!! Help the message of the Kingdom to continue. We encourage you to partnership with us as we continue to call out your names before the Lord. (We pray over all our subscribers.) We thank you and bless you in Jesus Name. May the blessings of the Lord God be mightily upon you in this hour. May the Lord do exceedingly abundantly above that you may ask or think according to the power that works within us all.
You can email her: phyllisfordministries@gmail.com
All letters and prayer request may be sent to: PO BOX 200601 Arlington, TX 76006
Offerings may be made out to: Phyllis Ford Ministries P.O. Box 200601 Arlington, Texas 76006
I now have a Facebook page and a Twitter account. To become part of my social network go to: www.facebook.com/phyllisfordministries and send me a friend request and I will be sure to accept you.
You can also follow me on Twitter @Prophet_Phyllis
You may wish to track with Phyllis, as do I.
Correspondingly, you may also wish to read something we may also spotlight here in Gulagland soon, by PolitiJim, “America’s Best Days are Ahead.”
* For just an introductory set of disciplined insights into this passage of Scripture, called Jesus’ “Olivet Discourse,” one may wish to look into a brief article by a pastor, Robert Vincent.
this is new agism that seeks to usher in Maitreya, the antiChrist. God’s word does NOT change.
I’ll leave that in, Ms. Beaudean, just to refute it’s unfortunate claims. I gave you the Scripture about the gift of prophecy and Paul’s instruction encouraging Jesus’ faithful to practice it. That is God’s immutable word on the matter.
Satan is called an accuser of the brethren. I would not suggest joining in, by calling a minister of God a counterfeit “New Age” occultist. Bad form.
What I did not refer to is Biblical prophecy about the work of God’s prophets!
(Hint: what is there to counterfeit, if there is nothing real going on?)