MEDIA ADVISORY – Tuesday, July 3, 2012
CONTACT: Ryan Gill at Ryan@CampaignToDefeatObama.com or (650) 678-7732
The 4th of July “Defeat Barack Obama Telethon” will be based on a similar model to Jerry Lewis’s historic Labor Day Telethons to fight Muscular Dystrophy. The event is sponsored by The Campaign to Defeat Barack Obama, a conservative political action committee.
Here are confirmed guests for this historic event:
- Herman Cain – 2012 Republican presidential candidate and founder of Cain’s Solutions.
- Sheriff Joe Arpaio – “America’s Sheriff”
- Janine Turner – Radio talk show host, television commentator and actress.
- Dick Morris – Political analyst, author.
- Phyllis Schlafly – Founder, Eagle Forum
- Wayne Allyn Root – 2008 Vice Presidential candidate for the Libertarian Party, author of “The Conscience of a Libertarian: Empowering the Citizen Revolution with God, Guns, Gold and Tax Cuts” and a television commentator.
- Samuel Joseph Wurzelbacher – Joe The Plumber, Congressional candidate.
- Melanie Morgan – Radio talk show host, author of “American Mourning” and a television commentator.
- Jackie Mason – Comedian and actor.
- Alveda King – Niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Christian minister, pro-life activist and author.
- Amy Kremer – Chairman, Tea Party Express.
- Joe Miller – 2010 Republican nominee for U.S. Senate (Alaska) and former federal magistrate.
- Dr. Gina Loudon – Radio talk show host, tea party activist.
- Jedediah Bila – Author, television & radio political commentator.
- Judson Phillips – Founder, Tea Party Nation and Director, TheTeaParty.net
- Floyd Brown – ExposeObama.com
- Victoria Jackson – Actress, activist and former “Saturday Night Live” cast member.
- Deroy Murdock – Syndicated columnist and contributing editor for National Review.
- Debbie Lee – Gold Star Mom – Director, Move America Forward and Founder of America’s Mighty Warriors.
- William Gheen – President, Americans for Legal Immigration PAC.
- Ryan Mauro – National Security Analyst, RadicalIslam.com
- Teri Christoph – Co-Chair of She-PAC, and Co-Founder and Vice President of Smart Girl Politics.
- Pamela Geller – Author, blogger, political commentator.
- Jason Mattera – Editor of Human Events, author.
- Dr. Melissa Clouthier – Conservative leader on Twitter.
- Pat Dollard – Former Hollywood agent, patriot and filmmaker.
- Tabitha Hale – Director of New Media of The Franklin Center.
- Eric Odom – Director of Interactive Media at Grassfire Nation.
- Danny Tarkanian – Congressional candidate.
- Terresa Monroe Hamilton – Conservative blogger, “The Progressive Hunter.” NoisyRoom.net
- Ali Akbar – Vice President, Vice & Victory
- David Codrea – Gun Rights Examiner, broke Fast & Furious scandal.
- Ted Cruz – Candidate for U.S. Senate, Former Solicitor General of Texas.
- Dan Riehl – Riehl World View
On the radio we’ll be broadcasting LIVE from the studios of News/Talk 720 AM in Las Vegas and the online stream can be heard from your computer. Just go to: www.KDWN.com
On Television the Telethon will be broadcast live in Las Vegas on Vegas TV 25 – Cable 14, and from Pahrump on KPVM TV 46.3
The video stream of the telecast can be seen online via UStream.tv at: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/july-4-defeat-obama-telethon
For those of you interested in when I am speaking, tune in at approximately 5:36 PM Pacific Standard Time. I’m sure those in Vegas thought they got rid of me long ago – I’m baaack! 8) I will be plugging NoisyRoom.net, KeyWiki.org, New Zeal, Accuracy in Media and Gulag Bound. I will speak on the importance of getting rid of the Marxist in the White House and exposing the Progressives in our government and leadership. Good times…
Update: They love to hate us – drop by and give them a piece of your mind… It’s the patriotic thing to do. Some of these are good guys – most are not.
The Miami New Times: Victoria Jackson, Herman Cain, Joe The Plumber, and Every Other Adorable Right-Wing Kook Team Up For July 4th “Defeat Obama” Telethon
CNN Politics: Conservative telethon aims for big bucks
gayopolis: List of Stars Scheduled for ‘Defeat Barack Obama Telethon’
Democratic Underground: umm, did you know there was an anti-Obama Telethon on today?
American Thinker: Happy Independence Day! Could This Be Our Last?
Monterey County Herald: Editorial: Anti-Obama telethon beyond bad taste
Wow! Great line-up, you guys need to promote this more! This is the first I have heard of it.
Many of us are playing catch-up right now! ;->
I thought the same thing. Needed to promote this and other campaigns more aggressively. Almost missed announcement with all the other political stuff I get.
P. S. – Did you meet your goal?? Hope so. Gave a couple bucks, alerted others!
Great job and I commend everyone who participated in this event. Happy 4th of July. I’m backing ROMNEY against the worst president I have ever seen since the 1920’s driving our country into Marxism! We must not follow his path to our country’s self-destruction like Greece and Spain.
I hope Romney wins and appoints Joe Arpaio to head the DHS, control our borders, deport illegals to creat jobs and services stolen and arrest Eric Holder and Janet Napolitano for malfeasance of her sworn duties and aiding and abbetting illegal aliens and not protecting U.S. citizrens from foreign invasions as Article IV of our U.S. Constitution mandates.
If there are any readers living in Florida, please join me. I am a key strategist who will be pushing another Floridas State E-VERIFY IMMIGRATION ENFORCEMENT Bill in our Fla. State Capitol in Tallahassee, Fla. when the Fla.Legislature begins again Jan. 2013.
GEORGE SOROS, the billionaire sociaslist leaning Marxist allegedly paid $30,000 for 12 buses with 500 farm workers, school and college students and many illegal aliens supporting AMNESTY and the DREAN ACT NIGHTMARE who marched in a protest with signs on wood sticks in our Capitol rotunda unimpeded by Capitol Police or any legislators stopping them.
Also, the Capitol Police and legislators should have arrested the 500 protesters under the 1934 HATCH ACT that prohibits Political Campaigning or protests on any government property.
My CODU group blocked then Fla. State Rep.DAVID RIVERA (R.- MIAMI & ex-Republican Party Chairman in Miami) and Gov. JEB BUSH who pushed for a DRIVERS LICENSE FOR ILLEGAL ALIENS
bill as well as killing a STATE TUITION FOR ILLEGAL ALIENS Bill, also pushed by Rep. DAVID RIVERA & GOV. JEB BUSH, so I hope Romney does not choose JEB BUSH for his V.P. Likewise, I
also hope Romney does not choose Sen. MARCO RUBIO (R. MIAMI) who is an “illegal alien anchor baby” and was born on U.S. soil when his parents were refugees from Cuba and were not U.S. citizens, making MARCO RUBIO not as Natural Born Citizen and is inelligible to hold the presidential or Vice Presidential Office.
500 Soros’ supporter illegal aliens invade Fla. State Capitol rotunda against our E-VERIFY Immigration Bills
This link shows (then) Fla. State Rep. DAVID RIVERA speaking for 8 minutes saying that if my E-VERIFY Immigration bill passes it would maske Florida’s economy crash and crops would die and they cut grass, do roofs, are maids, , change diapers, etc. In 2008 when Marco Rubio was Fla. State House Speaker, he appointed Rep. DAVID RIVERA as his Rules Chairman and sent him and Rep. JUAN ZAPATA (R.-MIAMI- House Hispanic Caucus Chairman) at speak before the House STATE AFFAIRS Hearing to speak against our bills on Apr. 8, 2008 and said they were anti-Hispanic racial profile bills! I have a link of this state archive video that runs 2 hors and 40 mins. RIVERA speaks at the 2hour & 20 min. marker.
The following link is the one with Speaker MARCO RUBIO speaking against our E-VERIFY Bills:
Are there any activists living in Florida who want to join me in pushing an E-VERIFY Immigration Enforcement bill for 2013? Please contact me now. My CITIZENS OF DADE UNITED group begamn in 19890 and are the oldest Immigrstion Control group in Fla. We helped CALIF. PROPOSITION 187 when they began their signature petition. CODU group was the first in MIAMI- DADE COUNTY to pass a ballot petition vote in 1980 to force our county to operate in English and use U.S. culture, but was repealed in 1993. We helped U.S. English to collect 430,000 petition signatures to amend the Fla. Comnstitution to make English the Official Language of Fliorida, but MIAMI Legislators blocked all implementation and enforcement, even though it passed across Florida by a super-super majority of 84 percent! I am the one who forced the 1986 Immigration Reform & Control Act to be initiated and passed and better known as the Simpsdon-Mazzoli immigration Bill. ARE THERE ANY FLA. VOTERS WHO WANT TO JOIN ME IN PUSHING AN E-VERIFY BILL IN THE FLA. LEGISLATURE? Please contact me immediately. Thanks.
CORRECTION: My CITIZENS OF DADE UNITED group in Miami began in 1980.
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