With full and enthusiastic support from SCOTUS Chief Justice John Roberts, Usurper and Dictator-in-Chief Barack Hussein Obama has now effectively “transformed” America into his personal empire if dying cash-cow. Supplanting the US Constitution and Republic with what some pundits are calling “political correctness” (a view of Roberts’ behavior to which I do not subscribe), Roberts has now placed the United States of America firmly into Socialism…aka Marxism…and effectively changed the US Constitution’s opening line “We-the-People” into “We-the-Rulers.”
Roberts is now ‘loved’ by the Marxist Media who are praising his name to the nether regions which they inhabit. In my estimation either Roberts has chosen to leave the light of Constitutionality and legality–as do all leftists when they discover which side they are truly on–in favor of praise and adulation from the rankest amongst us or the recent bribe was just too large to ignore.
Note: All four dissenting associate justices agreed that Roberts’ decision was illegal, in calling it “vast judicial overreaching.”
Unless Roberts is and has always been a “sleeper leftist” just waiting for his time to strike out (many of us wondered and were very concerned about the formerly secretive meetings between Roberts and Obama as well as members of the Obama syndicate) as a true Marxist against the American people and their country, he may soon learn that when you deal with the devil you choose an inherently unstable and untrustworthy partner.
However, my concern today–as I believe should be the concern of us all–is the unassailable fact that he has legislated (from the highest bench in the land) the transformation of the USA from a Republic to a totalitarian state. Then, laughing at us all, Roberts told an assembly of 300 attorneys and lawyers at what was called a posh Pennsylvania resort “Malta, as you know, is an impregnable island fortress. It seemed like a good idea.” With his apparent vastly increased riches (courtesy of the American taxpayer) Roberts will enjoy his months of vacation on a well-fortified island far from the view and disgust of the Americans he has just sold into slavery. Yep! It appears Obama can even buy sitting US Supreme Court justices. Now, the Judicial branch of the US government has joined the other two in becoming completely lawless and under Marxist-Democrat rule. Roberts is making up new law, instead of good-faith rulings as to constitutionality. And, like his dictator boss, Roberts has also learned how to laugh at us all…with almost a perfect tone of disdain.
One thing left before it’s over, folks, and the last one turns out the last light in the USA…voting. Obama’s practice mobs are already turning against all who oppose or might oppose their leader and more and more reports of roving black mobs are coming in (many with videos) from across the country. I have listed only a few links below but, there are now thousands of articles on this latest Obama-inspired phenomenon. They are trying to intimidate you into staying home and cowering as the Obama Army violence increases. As I’ve stated before, Obama is working tirelessly to start a race war in our country.
Do not be intimidated. If Obama is reelected, the violence will only become more prevalent and severe for us all, as he will have nothing to constrain his employment of his openly brutal methods on US citizens. Obama is already testing his “kill” methods with drones overseas. Those drones are currently being tested for use in the USA.
I have written for years that this was coming. It has now arrived. We have but, one last chance….get rid of them or they will surely get rid of us. In November we must vote in numbers at least double what they were in 2010 to overturn Obama‘s Socialist/burgeoning Nazi empire. Otherwise…we die. May God be with us.
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.”
–Jeremiah 29:11-13
U.S. Constitution:
at constitutionus.com
Dissent scolds SCOTUS for “vast judicial overreaching”:
at washingtonexaminer.com
John Roberts Jokes About Spending Summer at Impregnable Fortress:
at thegatewaypundit.com
Roving black mobs attacking whites:
at sigforum.com
at articles.baltimoresun.com
at kulturekritic.com
at liveleak.com
at wnd.com
Sher Zieve is an author and political commentator. Zieve’s op-ed columns are widely carried by multiple internet journals and sites, and she also writes hard news.
Her columns have also appeared in The Oregon Herald, Dallas Times, Sacramento Sun, in international news publications, and on multiple university websites. Sher is also a guest on multiple national radio shows.
Sher can be reached at Sher_Zieve@yahoo.com.
Graphic added by Gulag Bound
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