Marxist Controlled Union Targets Latino Voters for Obama

New Zeal

A Democratic Socialists of America controlled labor union, SEIU and Priorities USA, the Super PAC created by backers of President Barack Obama, have jointly bought $4 million in television ads in key states with Hispanic-American populations, “exposing the anti-worker, anti-Hispanic record of presumed Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney.”

From the Communist Party USA‘s People’s World:

The commercials, “Mitt Romney: En Sus Propias Palabras” (Mitt Romney: In His Own Words), feature working Latinos commenting on Romney’s statements in favor of firing people, union spokeswoman Beatriz Lopez says.

“Romney’s tainted record shows how the multi-millionaire has made a career out of driving companies into bankruptcy and laying off workers without the health and retirement benefits they had earned, only so that he could generate profit for himself and his wealthy, corporate shareholders,” she added.

In the ad, one Denver Latino voter says Romney is “making fun of us, of the people who don’t have work. What he is saying is not fair. I cannot vote for Romney.” Colorado is one of the swing states where the ad campaign will run.

“Our kids are suffering and he makes a joke… I cannot imagine voting for him,” adds an offended Nevada voter. Nevada is another swing state with a fast-growing Hispanic-American population.

Eliseo Medina, SEIU’s Secretary-Treasurer and a former member of Obama’s Latino Advisory Committee, expanded upon the ad campaign in a June 13 op-ed piece about Romney’s anti-Hispanic stands.

“Actions don’t lie and neither does video,” Medina wrote. “Those who doubt that should closely watch facial expressions of those who feel insulted. Watch faces of voters when they see and hear a politician only interested in helping the wealthy. Watch faces of Latinos when they hear Romney speak in his own words and hear about how Romney actually made his millions. Then you will agree that pictures don’t lie.”

Indeed video does not lie. Medina himself, a leader of Democratic Socialists of America, should have his own reasons to fear embarrassing statements from the past.

At the ultra radical America’s Future Now! conference in Washington, DC on June 2, 2009, Eliseo Medina addressed attendees on the necessity of comprehensive immigration reform.

Speaking to an audience of friendly fellow Marxists, Medina revealed the real rationale behind immigration reform – votes and power.

Speaking of Latino voters, Medina said “when they voted in November, they voted overwhelmingly for progressive candidates. Barack Obama got two out of every three voters that showed up.”

So I think there’s two things that matter for the progressive community.

Number one, if we are to expand this electorate to win, the progressive community needs to solidly be on the side of immigrants, that we’ll expand and solidify the progressive coalition for the future…

When you are in the middle of a fight for your life you will remember who was there with you. And immigrants count on progressives to be able to do that.

Number two.

“We reform the immigration laws, it puts 12 million people on the path to citizenship and eventually voters”. Can you imagine if we have, even the same ratio, two out of three?

If we have eight million new voters who care about …… and will be voting. We will be creating a governing coalition for the long term, not just for an election cycle…

Votes and socialist power. Nothing more.


  1. Latinos for Economic Development:
    “Obama & La Raza do not speak for all Latinos in the USA”

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