Unless they are being used as were the Israeli slaves during Pharaoh Seti’s reign to build his Treasure City (Obama‘s just sticking it to Americans by gutting the US Treasury that they built with their own sweat) or agree to be trained as Obama’s soon-to-be-if-we-don’t-vote-him-out personal Palace Guards, Obama has no intention of putting the American people back to work. He was hired to destroy the USA and the American dream…not to help perpetuate it. And, he has done his job very effectively and quite gleefully. Why do you think he’s still smiling so broadly and laughing so loudly?
Obama is highly amused by our pain and suffering under his policies and control and even makes slap-in-Americans’-faces comments such as his recent condescending and blatant lie “the private sector is doing fine” while the American people know the tyrant has worked hard to destroy it…and them. Note: By the way, Obama–contrary to the press–did not correct himself on this issue.
In order to completely transform the USA into the Obama syndicate’s vision of a Police-State Marxist Empire, the United States of America must be totally broken and completely destroyed before it is rebuilt into a colorless, tasteless and formless totalitarian State. The US Media–now wholly owned and controlled by Obama–is working overtime to help him make this occur.
Note: Like all media from the beginning of time, the current establishment press refuses to accept historic truth that tells them that under all totalitarian governments the media is the first to be decimated when the storm troopers arrive and move in.
If Obama had any intention–whatsoever–of putting Americans back to work he would have already employed those measures that would–historically–bring it to fruition. But, he does not intend to bring any jobs or industry back to the USA. It has been his mission from the beginning of his term of office to decimate our country. As I’ve written for years, now, with help from a willing despotic Congress Obama has done a truly excellent job. Instead, he continues to perpetuate the “Big Lie” ( a program developed by Adolph Hitler and his NAZI crew) with every word that issues forth from his permanently forked tongue.
Recently, Obama has even started releasing US national security secrets to our enemies and the world in an attempt to prop himself up. Instead, this process has diminished the ever-shrinking Obama’s elevated view of himself. However, it is contributing to the demise of the USA. His actions have also put all Americans–on the Left and the Right–in peril. Obama has flaunted his usage of “drones” to pick off and kill his enemies at will, while ensuring the technology is developed domestically to spy on (and also kill?) his political and general opponents. In fact, if I did not believe the NY Times article concerning his “kill list” (which Obama is said to relish as he smilingly picks his victims) was a collaboration between the Times and the Obama Mob, I would expect to hear about severed horse’s heads appearing in the beds of sleeping Times’ editors.
Folks, Obama is continuing to issue one Executive Order after another (he has not slowed down) to both shore-up his power and/or–in case we have a miracle and Obama does lose the coming election–to ensure that the next White House occupant finds the USA in utter tatters. Remember, the US Treasury has already been gutted by the Obama/Geithner goons.
So as the Red Obama Dawn looms heavily over America’s disappearing horizon, please remember that any chance we have of rebuilding our country will need to include a landslide of votes against Obama and the New Global World Order…an Order that Obama and his syndicate work daily to bring to the world…and especially the USA.
Where is Congress? We now know it is either cowering in some dark corner or collaborating with the NWO tyrants. Where are the Military leaders? All too many of its leaders–and we pray not the real soldiers–seem to back-up the USA’s dissolution and seizure by the United Nations and its others’ enemies.
We are at war with our government, folks. And the ObamaGov has been at war with the American people since Obama “won” the 2008 election. The one question remaining is “Who will win…We-the-People of the destroyers?”
“Therefore they did set over them taskmasters to afflict them with their burdens. And they built for Pharaoh treasure cities, Pithom and Raamses.”
–Exodus 1:11
Even Krugman criticizes Obama for ‘private sector is doing just fine’ remark:
at dailycaller.com
The Big Lie:
at en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Lie
Sher Zieve is an author and political commentator. Zieve’s op-ed columns are widely carried by multiple internet journals and sites, and she also writes hard news.
Her columns have also appeared in The Oregon Herald, Dallas Times, Sacramento Sun, in international news publications, and on multiple university websites. Sher is also a guest on multiple national radio shows.
Sher can be reached at Sher_Zieve@yahoo.com.
Graphics added by Gulag Bound
You have finally figure out why he was put in the WH? Since the very begining that was his point. The shadow govt are the ones giving the orders because he doesnt give the orders, just follow them.
Before being elected Congress tried 7 times to change the natural citizens clause so he could be elected. He met w/the supreme court judges in private w/o anybody being there to hear what they discussed, n that was before Jan. Why do u thing there are no judges that want to hear any case about the B.C.?
If Congress wanted to do something about this because they are the only ones that can really do any investigating n put him in jail for not following the Constitution. Why are they afraid???
Hi. Emma.
No, I figured this out even before Obama usurped the office of POTUS and have written multiple columns about it. However, we all have to make sure that as many as possible realize it before November of this year. MANY in Congress also need to be replaced.
I am a 76 year old & until Obama I never knew we had communist in our country. After all I had 3 brothers in the military fighting communism in the Korean conflict, how could it be going on in America? I never paid much attention to politics, always assumed nothing like that could happen here so it really angers me that until Allen West is the first politician that said it out loud that we had communist in congress, thank God for him. Why didn’t McCain ever say anything, after all he had been a prisoner of war? Was he brainwashed over there? I have read since then that many of the republican rinos are sleeper cells of the communist. I remembered that we used to have an un-american activities committee searching out the communist here so I checked on that & found it had been disbanded yrs ago * combined with the judicial committee. Well on the democratic socialist web site I saw that 11 members of judicial committee belonged to their party so they will never mention it.
United Solar Ovonic (USO) and its parent company, ECD of Greenville, Michigan is going belly-up!
Going bankrupt! Why? Relying on government subsidies is why!
1. Obama pledge: http://campaign2012.washingtonexaminer.com/blogs/beltway-confidential/solar-company-bankrupt-despite-win-win-doe-loan/459621
2. http://solarknowledge.blogspot.com/2012/03/auburn-hills-based-ecd-files-for.html
3.. http://thedailynews.cc/2011/11/07/united-solar-cuts-jobs-idles-plants/