Russian Dupes Behind Bilderberger Protests

By: Cliff Kincaid

The major news organizations have been driven by the Drudge Report and WorldNetDaily to cover protests against a meeting of the “Bilderbergers” at a Marriott hotel outside Washington, D.C. The stories usually feature Alex Jones, a Texas-based radio host who regularly appears on Moscow-funded Russia Today (RT) television, or Daniel Estulin, a Russian-born writer whose book on the Bilderbergers made him one of Fidel Castro’s favorite authors and prompted a personal meeting with the Cuban dictator in 2010.

It was this meeting, where Castro insisted that Osama bin Laden was a CIA agent, which led to a surge of international media interest, mostly from the communist press, in the Bilderbergers.

Jamie Weinstein of The Daily Caller treated the protests as a joke, asking some of the protesters, “If they’re [Bilderbergers] so powerful, why are they staying in a Marriott?” Alex Jones was confronted as well, but dismissed Weinstein as a joke himself. Among other things, Weinstein wondered how powerful the group was, considering that it is said to have been responsible for the European Union, which is now collapsing because of irresponsible spending practices and debt.

Conservative talk-show host Ben Barrack appreciated Weinstein’s controversial approach, but said that the motives of Jones and his collaborators have to be analyzed. He said, “The Alex Jones / Ron Paul / 9/11 Truther movements have long maintained that the Bilderberg globalists are a much greater threat to our Republic than are the Islamists. Whenever you bring up the Islamic threat to western civilization, it’s all but ignored because the New World Order [NWO] crowd is actually behind the Islamists’ rise according to the Jones crew… Conversely, Islamists love Alex Jones. He runs interference for them by pushing 9/11 Conspiracy theories while publicly seeing them as a threat not worth dealing with because the NWO is actually using them for its own agenda. Shouldn’t we begin considering the possibility that Jones is actively working toward that end instead of being a dupe?”

As Jones became a media celebrity for his protests, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), which includes China and Russia, has been quietly preparing a major conference for this week in Beijing. The group is described by sympathizers as “a powerful counterforce against U.S. world domination efforts” and dedicated to “the creation of a new international political and economic order.”

The SCO is a governmental organization that is perceived by some analysts as a nascent anti-American military alliance, similar to the old Soviet-sponsored Warsaw Pact. It holds regular “security exercises” involving military personnel from member countries.

Observer state members of the SCO include Iran and Pakistan.

It has already been publicly announced that Russian President Vladimir Putin will take part in a Heads of State Council meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization in Beijing and will meet Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on the sidelines of the event.

By contrast, the Bilderberg group seems to be comprised mostly of private individuals, some with great wealth and power, who debate domestic and foreign policy issues. The group maintains a website and advertises its meetings, enabling the protesters, led by Alex Jones, to show up and draw attention to its activities.

Antics such as these protests, complete with bullhorns, have caused responsible conservatives to label Jones a provocateur because he diverts attention from serious issues and real threats to America.

We pointed out in a previous column: “Russia Today is eager to publicize Alex Jones and his claims about 9/11, the Bilderbergers, bankers, and various other villains and culprits because they divert attention from the increasingly totalitarian nature of the Russian regime and the military threat that Russia still poses to American interests.” Jones appeared on Russia Today to defend the Russian invasion of the independent country of Georgia, a former Soviet republic. He blamed the U.S., NATO and Israel for somehow provoking Russia.

The Washington Post was forced to cover the anti-Bilderberg protests, even noting that Post chairman Donald E. Graham was on the invitation list and that a Post photographer was prohibited from snapping pictures from a public street. One participant told the Post that the protesters were laughable.

Daniel Estulin, who was born in Russia, is as controversial as Alex Jones. Like Jones, he is a regular on Russia Today television, where he claimed that the U.S. was building 13 secret bases in Afghanistan for an eventual war with Russia. Estulin told RT that the purpose of the Bilderbergers is to “subjugate” Russia and China and that “The Russian Government is one of my key sources in this respect.”

More recently, he has defended Victor Bout, the former Soviet military officer and convicted Russian arms trafficker sentenced to 25 years in prison in the U.S. Appearing on RT, Estulin called Bout a “pawn” designed to further an anti-Russian U.S. foreign policy. He called Bout’s extradition to the U.S. to stand trial “very, very unfortunate, especially for all of us who love Russia as a nation.” At the same time, Estulin has described himself as “a Russian expatriate who was kicked out of the Soviet Union in 1980.”

In 2010, Estulin met with Fidel Castro to talk about Estulin’s book, The True Story of the Bilderberg Group. Castro was so impressed that he wrote an article for the Cuban Communist paper repeating the book’s claims and Estulin was ecstatic on his own website that Castro had “loved” his book.

An official Cuban Government report on the meeting, which included a photo of Estulin and Castro, said:

“The Cuban Revolution leader Fidel Castro, met with the Russian writer Daniel Estulin, author of a trilogy that exposes the so-called Bilderberg Club.

“During the discussion Estulin thanked Fidel Castro for the inclusion of fragments of his texts in his most recent journalistic columns and reaffirmed that the goal of the members of Bilderberg is to destroy Russia as a military power and China as an economic one.

“The conversation covered such topics as U.S. military bases in Latin America, the hostile situation in the Middle East and the new war strategy that culminates in extermination and genocide.”

Not surprisingly, Estulin has just appeared on the Alex Jones radio show to discuss the 2012 Bilderberger meeting and blame the U.S. for what he calls a planned international economic collapse. He was pleased with the media attention, especially from online U.S.-based news sources. “It’s great that we are getting so much attention, especially with people such as yourself in the states working the Net, working the crowds,” he said.

Estulin went on to say that he is planning a major documentary on the Bilderberger group that will feature Lyndon LaRouche, the convicted con man who is considered the intellectual author of the 9/11 truth movement. LaRouche is a former Marxist who ran for president as a Democrat. His organization began as a faction of the Students for a Democratic Society and he described his followers as seeking to establish a “new Marxist international.”

Cliff Kincaid is the Director of the AIM Center for Investigative Journalism and can be contacted at


  1. Arlen Williams says

    It is good to expose that which is tainted.

    However, it is a form of the classic “false dichotomy” fallacy to assume that because one side in an argument is corrupted that the other side is not.

    The quantity of effective enemies to the American People is much greater than just those found connected with Moscow, past or present.

    Working with foreign entities toward international policy while not being an official representative of the United States is a felony, by the Logan Act.

    Further, even when an official of government is involved, if it is done in secret and outside of due, accountable course, it still violates our Popular and national sovereignties, the responsibilities given the People by God Himself, for us to guard (which is the very reason we establish government for ourselves).

  2. Of course this article is yet another attempt to discredit Alex Jones by innuendo, when the facts are inconvenient and contrary to the position of the author.

    Take Georgia for example The US State Department’s Ambassador to Russia eventually admitted in Moscow that the Georgia attack on Russian troops was initiated by the government of Georgia without justification, so fair-minded neutral observers would naturally defend the Russian response, which incidentally did not involve regime-change and occupation, unlike our war with Iraq. Alex Jones cannot be faulted for taking the side of the truth in the Georgia war with Russia.

    The author of the Gulag Archipelago was also born in Russia, but we do not discredit his book because of his birthplace. The truth remains true regardless of the nationality of the messenger, and Estulin’s book remains one of the few willing to look into the secretive Bilderberg group. If the author of this article wants to look at some facts, he will notice that several presidents were chosen shortly after attending a Bilderberg meeting. He may also notice that the Bilderberg claim that all of its members attend in a private capacity is a lie in that they are protected by police and government intelligence operatives at taxpayer expense, something few other private clubs can obtain.

    As for Viktor Bout, it seems he remained protected by the Bush administration as long as he served their purpose. According to former Clinton officials, whenever an investigation led to Bout and his network, the Bush Administration shut down the investigation.

    According to the Landesman article in the New York Times Magazine, during the final months of the Clinton Administration, US intelligence began tracking Bout’s activities and his network. From Bout’s base in Sharjah in the Gulf, Bout was servicing Ariana Afghan Airline flights to Kandahar, Afghanistan, and the NSC believed Bout was ferrying weapons to Al Qaeda and Taliban volunteers in Afghanistan.

    Belgium had an international arrest warrant for Bout for money laundering and diamond smuggling, and Clinton’s chief of counterterroism, Richard Clarke wanted an arrest warrant issued for Bout but the DOJ declined because the US had no legal jurisdiction abroad. Gayle Smith, National Security Council – Africa, and CIA and MI6 followed Bout’s activities in Africa’s conflicts but when the Bush Administration took over, Condoleeza Rice reportedly told US intelligence to “look but don’t touch”.

    Bout would get yet another free pass from the Bush Administration and the British PM when in May, 2004, the French government complained that Washington and London were not supporting a move by the UN to freeze Bout’s assets for his role in supporting Liberia’s president Charles Taylor. Paris alleged that the US and Britain were permitting Bout’s firms to operate freely in occupied Iraq, and his air cargo companies were involved in supplying coalition forces. When Britain was ready to agree to terminate Bout’s operations, the Bush administration pressured the British PM to back off.

    When Sharja police sent a special police unit to capture Bout and hand him over to US law enforcement, the White House declined. Secretary of State Rice mysteriously ordered all operations aimed at Viktor Bout to end. E.J. Hogendoorn, a former UN weapons inspector, told Landesman that Viktor Bout was “being protected by highly influential people”, and Bout’s companies continued to provide logistical services to US and allied military forces and private contractors in Iraq.

    As for Bout’s arrest in Thailand, it is clear that the US had no legal jurisdiction to hold Bout in a foreign country. US courts have no jurisdiction in foreign nations. Bout did not violate any Thai law and therefore should never have been arrested and extradited to the US. Belgium was the country with an outstanding international arrest warrant that was prior to any claim by the US, so if anything, Bout should have been extradited to Belgium. The fact remains that Bout was “set up”, entrapped, by the US government after his logistical services were no longer necessary. And it was a slap in the face of Russia that one of their citizens could be kidnapped and held captive in the US despite the lack of legal jurisdiction to do so. Had Iran done the same to a US citizen visiting Thailand, one would hope that the illegality would be equally obvious.

    The American news media has no monopoly on truth, as Alex Jones often mentions, and as with gold, truth is where you find it. If the truth happens to advance Russian influence, whose fault is that, ours or theirs? If we look bad for violating our own constitution and international laws, is that Russia’s fault or ours?

  3. Kincaid is a hack. Go back and read what he wrote praising Ron Paul in 2007 and 2008. Now he says Paul is part of a vast Leftist Kremlin conspiracy. What changed his tune? Kincaid got paid to attack anyone in the liberty movement who dares speak on any foreign channel.

  4. And I can independently confirm the commenter’s thoughts above about Bout having served both U.S. and Russian interests at various times, from my own offline sources.

  5. My story on Clifford Kincaid preferring to troll Alex Jones rather than discuss Bilderbergers:

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