By: Andrea Shea King
The Radio Patriot
Top Item at Memeorandum:
Robert Stacy McCain / The Other McCain:
REPORT: Aaron Walker Arrested After Maryland Hearing on Kimberlin Case — Aaron Walker, whose complaint against convicted terrorist Brett Kimberlin became a conservative cause célèbre this past week, was reportedly taken into custody today after a court hearing in Rockville, Maryland.
Discussion: protein wisdom, LEE STRANAHAN dot COM, The Jawa Report, Popehat, American Spectator, Truth Before Dishonor, Dedicated Tenther, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, Bob Owens, Wake up America, EBL, The Mahablog, The Spectacle Blog,, The PJ Tatler, Capitalist Preservation, American Power, PJ Media, FilmLadd Blogs, That Mr. G Guy’s Blog, Instapundit, Daily Pundit, hogewash and The Daley Gator
Chris Smith / Twitchy:
Blogger and Brett Kimberlin target Aaron Walker arrested in Maryland … This is absolutely outrageous. In a positively Kafka-esque turn of events, a Maryland judge has ordered that Walker be taken into police custody while serial harasser, terrorist, and killer Kimberlin remains free.
Discussion: Michelle Malkin, Pink Flamingo Bar, The Daley Gator and Allergic to Bull
Dmoynihan / Munsey’s Technosnarl:
When Your Honor, This Man Is a Convicted Domestic Terrorist Is Not Enough — This morning, I attended the hearing over a protective order sought by Brett Kimberlin against Aaron Walker in Rockville, MD. There were only a few people there. The actual hearing was first in the regular room …
Discussion: SOOPERMEXICAN, Nice Deb, An Ex-Con’s View and Wonkette
Jim Hoft / The Gateway Pundit:
Breaking: Domestic Terrorist Kimberlin Has Conservative Blogger Arrested
Discussion: Pat Dollard and
REPORT: Aaron Walker Arrested After Maryland Hearing on Kimberlin Case
Posted on | May 29, 2012 |

Aaron Walker, whose complaint against convicted terrorist Brett Kimberlin became a conservative cause célèbre this past week, was reportedly taken into custody today after a court hearing in Rockville, Maryland.
One person who attended the hearing in Montgomery County District Court said that Kimberlin asserted that Walker’s continued blogging represented a violation of a “peace order” Kimberlin had obtained against the Virginia attorney, who says Kimberlin tried to “frame” him for assault earlier this year.
During the course of the hearing — which reportedly lasted about an hour — Judge C.J. Vaughey appeared to become increasingly hostile toward Walker, who was taken into custody when the hearing concluded.
On Thursday, May 17, Walker published a 28,000-word account of his experience being targeted by Kimberlin, which soon caught the attention of leading figures in online New Media, including University of Tennessee law professor Glenn Reynolds, who writes the popular Instapundit blog, and bestselling author Michelle Malkin, who warned her readers, “Please remember: Kimberlin is a radical, violent, lying, dangerous felon.”
UPDATE: According to a source, Kimberlin claimed during the hearing that he has received death threats as a result of Walker’s violation of the peace order. In 1981, Kimberlin was sentenced to 50 years in federal prison for his crimes, including the 1978 terrorist bombing that brutally maimed Vietnam veteran Carl DeLong.
UPDATE II: A copy of the “final peace order” (time-stamped 10:52 a.m.) states that Kimberlin is “in fear of imminent serious bodily harm” as a result of a “countless number” of death threats, and that “there is clear and convincing evidence that [Walker] is likely to commit a prohibited act in the future against [Kimberlin].”
UPDATE III: To understand what is going on here, please see my column today at The American Spectator:
During his time in federal prison, [Kimberlin] became a prodigious jailhouse lawyer, filing more than 100 actions on his own behalf, and his litigious habits have continued until this day. When Patrick Frey, the blogger known as Patterico, wrote about Kimberlin’s criminal past in 2010, he was immediately threatened with a libel suit. By then, Kimberlin had already sued Seth Allen, who eventually got legal assistance from Aaron Walker, a Virginia attorney who had blogged under the pseudonym “Aaron Worthing.” This evidently made Walker a target of Kimberlin’s harassment tactics, with the result that Walker says both he and his wife lost their jobs….
Kimberlin’s critics say his litigation against Allen and Walker, and threats of action against others, are a type of “lawfare,” which is defined as “the illegitimate use of domestic or international law with the intention of damaging an opponent, winning a public relations victory, financially crippling an opponent, or tying up the opponent’s time so that they cannot pursue other ventures such as running for public office.” And this is part of what many see as a wide-ranging strategy of intimidation waged against conservatives …
Read the whole thing. I’m still trying to confirm facts about Walker’s hearing and reported arrest.
UPDATE IV: Just spoke to a source who confirms that witnesses saw Walker led out of the courtroom in handcuffs. Ali Akbar, president of the National Bloggers Club, Tweets:
Will know more on Aaron’s situation at 3:30/4:30pm.
The National Bloggers Club has created to help call attention to the case and to enable “supporters to make financial donations to a relief fund as a show of support.”
– Robert Stacy McCain, Whereabouts Unknown
Thank you Andrea and as always, Terresa.