By: Nelson Abdullah
Conscience of a Conservative
I have been one of those concerned conservatives who try to anticipate the unexpected tactics of our would-be Muslim Dictator in Chief. In my previous analysis’s I equated Barack Hussein Obama to a cornered rat who would do anything to stay in power. When Obama authorized the killing of Muslim leaders in al-Qaida I stated it was more for publicity than anything else. When I anticipated what Obama would do if his popularity declined and his reelection became in doubt, I suggested that he would support and encourage the Occupy protesters up to the point of them causing widespread civil unrest and then Obama would declare Martial Law and use the public safety as a reason to postpone the November elections.
Now, has an exclusive commentary by Barry Farber who seems to doubt that Barack Hussein Obama would do such a nasty thing. Farber does mention a few more reasons why Obama should be booted out of Washington but he still does not agree that Martial Law will be or would be invoked.
Will Obama impose martial law?
Exclusive: Barry Farber offers take on theory prez has plans to repress AmericansMy inbox seems more and more aflame with articles quoting un-named insiders warning Americans that the Obama administration is secretly-but-ardently preparing for “organized disorder” intended to warrant the imposition of martial law so the presidential election can be canceled and Obama can continue to rule “indefinitely”! Details seem to be amazingly abundant. The deliberate violence will be just bad enough, you see, to make the American people grateful for the martial law. And the government is allegedly stockpiling everything needed to build and maintain “concentration camps.” And on applications for the military they’re now asking questions like, “Would you forcibly take guns from your fellow Americans?” Also, “Would you kill them?”
At this point I should emphasize I’m as opposed to this administration as I can arrange to get, but I’m totally unconvinced by all such talk. In fact, if brain scientists are looking for a real “complacent” to study – one who actually says, “It can’t happen here!” – I’m their man, provided it pays at least as much as jury duty.
Further down in his comments, Mr. Farber says: “will American troops nonetheless conclude, “Gee, I guess it’s time for us to go kill our own people to save the country”?” This innocuous statement sounds similar to The Oath Keepers who are appealing to law enforcement people to abide by their sworn oaths to uphold the Constitution and refuse orders to arrest or harm innocent civilians or confiscate their guns. Just how in hell is a cop going to know that his orders are unconstitutional or that any civilian was innocent when he was told otherwise by his superiors. How are the National Guard troops going to know they should not follow orders if they are mobilized to confront rioting Occupy forces. And whether they did or did not follow orders has nothing to do with the imposition of Martial Law. And what if there was a possibility that law enforcement people or military people would not follow orders? Did anyone ever consider that Obama could go to the United Nations and declare a national emergency and ask for a U.N. Peace Keeping force be sent to American soil? I am certain those troops from Uganda or the Congo would have no compulsions against killing American civilians.
Any government that would authorize the construction of civilian detainment centers (i.e. concentration camps) or ask for an amendment to the NDAA National Defense Authorization Act to allow the arrest and imprisonment without trial of any American who the government has determined was a threat is certainly capable of doing anything it wants to remain in power. The power that the government has already acquired in the Patriot Act and the above mentioned issues can be used against anyone they choose to use it against, whether it be genuine Islamic terrorists or right-wing conservatives. And do not forget, the Obama Dept. of Homeland Security has already defined whom it considers to be a potential threat.
Who or what you call a terrorist is not the same as what the Dept. of Homeland Security calls a terrorist. When you think of a terrorist you probably have in mind the radical Muslims who attacked America on Sept. 11, 2001. These people are whom the original Patriot Act was designed to go after. But the Patriot Act is simply a tool that provides law enforcement extra special powers, it is up to the government to define who those powers will be used against. It is like a powerful weapon that a good person carries but then it falls into the hands of someone who is not a good person.
As I wrote on Feb. 13, 2010 in this blog: You have probably heard about Dept. of Homeland Security’s controversial document that was published in 2009. It was one of the first things Obama had his DHS do. It is called (U//FOUO) Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment. It is available here: Two weeks before this was published, Dept. of Homeland Security published another document called (U//FOUO) Domestic Extremism Lexicon, that described the definitions it was using. It is available here:
The DHS document (U//FOUO) Domestic Extremism Lexicon also includes precursors to the ill-fated “Right-wing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment” report, which prompted outrage from legislators and a campaign calling for the resignation of DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano. For example, the lexicon contains virtually the same broad-stroke language the right-wing extremism report used. And all right wing extremists are considered domestic terrorists
“Right wing extremism,” the lexicon defines as those “who can be broadly divided into those who are primarily hate-oriented, and those who are mainly anti-government and reject federal authority in favor of state or local authority. This term also may refer to right wing extremist movements that are dedicated to a single issue, such as opposition to abortion or immigration.”
The left wing Democrats in Washington want to tie all their plans into a neat bundle. Taking into consideration that DHS has virtually declared that you and I are both “Right Wing Extremists” now consider that Atty Gen. Eric Holder has proposed legislation to prohibit any person considered a domestic terrorist or right wing extremist from owning a firearm.
The only question that remains is who is going to fire the first shot. Maybe we need to study the history of our first American Revolution and read about Lexington and Concord to find the answer.
My name is Nelson Abdullah and I am Old Ironsides.
I agree that things are indeed looking grim. Freedom was hard fought to gain and will be defended by many to the bitter end. Our Government appears to have usurped power from the people who’ve entrusted it with their well being. I have no problem believing that the militarized forces of local and state police would have no qualms about throwing citizens under their care into a concentration camp setting. They seem to thrive on this type of action. I also wholeheartedly believe that the forces of the National Guard and the rest of our military will rise to the occasion and school anybody who attempts to overthrow the true government of the United States, that being We The People. I believe that “Right” will prevail in the end. I also believe that many could die before that “Right” is realized. People have died for a lot less than the future of their Country. Many have died for their future. I believe that will always be the case seeing as how we are discussing the American Spirit. We are free. We are brave, of that there is no doubt. No, I do not welcome what appears on our horizon, nor will I flee. Peace always comes with the barrel of the gun. That is why we were entrusted with the right to bear them by no less than the good Lord Himself.
Since when is any politician to be believed? Obama’s fragmented history and lack of documentation have me suspicous of him since day 1. The media gives him a complete pass as he lies on every issue. You can tell when he is lying as his lips move. Obama thinks he is another Julius Ceasar, Napolean, Castro, etc..From a community organizer to a US Senator, to President in less than a decade, he is a narcisist.
He believes his destiny is to change America into a marxist-socialist state, for the betterment of all. If it takes martial law or a revolution to do it, so be it.
Remember, he said, “I may suspend the elections to FIX the Budget.”
Remember, he told a reporter that (paraphrase) he could have things straightened out in 5 years;
BUT! most importantly, was the conversation he had with Putin’s man:
Obama Speaking with Putin’s Man — Open Mic-I’ll Have More Flexibility after Next Election
And, Thanks for contacting me.
But why would Barack Obama threaten his own life, by doing such a thing? He knows his mission and he quite likely knows what comes after him, in the likely scenario of his losing the election.
Barry is in the left hand pocket of the complex intent upon the destruction of sovereign and free America, and Mitt very much appears to be in the right.
The Department of Homeland Security is ripe with Muslim Brotherhood members high in it’s ranks. It’s no wonder that things are going upside down so fast. The foxes are not just in the henhouse, but running the whole farm. Then you throw in all of the Communists and Marxists in DC, and you have a toxic mix that has little to no interest in preserving our country or protecting it’s citizens.
My biggest fear is in having to defend ourselves against unknowing or unwilling to reason American military, or even local law enforcement, should they be called upon to perform anti-Constitutional acts. It makes me want to go run to the hills, fortify myself, and teach my wife and kids how to throw lead like nobody’s business. Sadly, I think we are quickly approaching a time when it truly will be us against them.
A leaked Classified Army Document proves that US Internment Camps (aka Fema Camps) are a stark reality.
We should have all known the man was evil and a traitor. He hasn’t done one thing that has been for the good of this country. He’s divided us along racial and class lines since day one. I’ve felt in my heart that we are short-timers here. Enjoy part of your summer, we probably won’t make it to the end.
I just wish he would consider this while he still has time…..Barrack, you are going to hell. You are NOT a christian, you are a son of the devil. And you have bought into his lies. What’s really gonna suck for you is that you have traded a few short years of power on the earth for an eternity in hell. Now if for some reason you think that won’t be so bad, please consider: hell is total darkness. Pitch black, dark and alone, except for the demons who will be screaming at you as you fall through a black burning fire…..and occasionally you will be able to see across the chasm into heaven. THAT’S where we Christians will be. And you always will cry out to God, but He cannot help you because the worst part of hell is eternal separation from Him. And every little while the devil is going to come watch you being tortured and he is going to stick his finger in your face and scream at you, “STUPID MAN, YOU BELIEVED ME, THE FATHER OF ALL LIARS???” Then he will laugh at you, while you burn and are gouged and tormented by the most vile things, thing so vile you could never even imagine. And we don’t even know the half of how horrible that torment will be, God doesn’t think we could deal with it. And you fell for it. You traded ETERNITY with satan for a few years of power and money on earth.
I always said you were not smart enough to be the anti-christ….and every day you’ve proven me right.