My tweet, a few minutes ago (link to its page):
#Newt attempts reason today w/ #GOP & #mediabias brainwashed jock, @sullivanradio: #teaparty #prolife #withNewt #tcot
Question: When are Republicans not republican and conservatives not conservative?
Answer: When they attempt to toss their own republican processes.
Extra credit answer: When they attempt to toss their own republican processes for an habitually dishonest R.I.N.O.
A++ answer: When they attempt to toss their own republican processes for an habitually dishonest R.I.N.O. who strategically assaults our very sovereignty as a nation and of course, the Declaration of Independence thereby.
The audacity of Tom Sullivan is nearly breathtaking, as well as his disrespect, not just for Speaker Gingrich, but especially for Republican voters and the sovereign, voting citizens of America.
What compels Republicans to be such sheep, driven by globalist bankster money? Wait, I think I may have just answered my own question.
And well sure (slapping my knee) this is Fox News Radio. Click the dude’s pic (or this) to listen.
AW Note:
It is not ordinarily the way of Gulag Bound to devote a great deal of effort to promoting a particular political candidate. It is my way, however, to defend the sovereignty of the United States of America, our only safeguard from encroachment by the same forces we fought in the American Revolution, to secure our popular sovereignty.
There is no freedom, nor any secured rights without it. See, “Don’t Fall for Pundits’ Psyops,
How Mitt Romney is a Traitor,” for more. If you are determinedly pro-Romney and still scratching your head, do read that. You wouldn’t look good with a bleeding head, my dear “citizen of the world.”
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