This report, from The Western Center for Journalism, is republished in its entirety due to its brevity:
Exclusive Video: Republican Congressman “Supports Obama” Regarding His Eligibility
April 5, 2012 By Daniel Noe
[GBound: Video, “Congressman Asked About Investigation Into Obama’s Forgeries“]
Cameraman: Gabe ZolnaWestern Journalism contributor Tom Ballantyne Jr., author of “Oh Really, O’Reilly?“, went to a meeting of the Red Mountain Tea Party in Arizona on Tuesday, April 3, 2012. Although cameras were not allowed into the meeting, Tom was able to sneak in a recording device. In the video Ballantyne asks Arizona Republican Congressman (and Senate hopeful) Jeff Flake about his views on ForgeryGate, the controversy revolving around Barack Obama’s forged birth certificate and selective service card that the mainstream media on both sides seeks to hide. The results aren’t pretty…
Our congressmen don’t want to hold Obama accountable, but fortunately, these congressmen are accountable to we the people. Make sure you remember this on election day this November.
Watch the presentation that Sheriff Joe Arpaio gave on March 31st about his investigation into the forgeries by clicking here. Stay informed and share with your friends.
We would encourage you to watch the entire video and then share it with your friends via Facebook, Twitter, e-mail, and other social networks.
Click here to purchase Tom Ballantyne Jr.’s book Oh Really, O’Reilly, about the issue of Obama’s eligibility.
Obama is laying groundwork for Communist take over.
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I am an Arizona resident who [B]USED[b] to support Jeff Flake. He is being exposed as the RINO he is.
Was this a public meeting? Why would a Represenative not allow cameras into this meeting unless he did not want his responses repeated?
I hope Flake is removed from office, as well as the rest, for his apparent cowardly remarks of pure political drivel. If Flake isn’t going to uphold Art2 Sec I Clause 5 of the Constitution, what other Article is he willing to toss out the window? hmmm?
Flake is just another political hack that IMO cares not one iota about the good citizens of Arizona or the Rule of Law. Stay on all of your Reps until they actually ACT and remove the usurper and find all of the co-conspirators and prosecute them!