on C-SPAN, Main Channel
The link for online streaming, also shown in the excerpt below:
6:30 pm ET
Approx. 1 hr.
Republican Party | Alabama
LIVE Alabama Republican Party Forum with Newt Gingrich and Rick SantorumNewton Gingrich; Richard Santorum …an Alabama Republican Party event…
Another excerpt:
Republican Candidates Campaign in Birmingham, Alabama
Birmingham, AL
Monday, March 12, 2012The Alabama Republican Party hosts a presidential candidate forum with Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum at the Alabama Theatre in Birmingham.
Clicking through, we find the program will later be archived for on-demand viewing:
There, one may also find recent speeches by these and other candidates.
PS from AW:
I wonder if they will be asked about whether or not they support the Tea Party and its goals.
video, “Newt vs Santorum vs Tea Party“
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