Bare Naked Islam Down – CAIR Casualty
There are few details at this time but the hard-hitting and informative Bare Naked Islam has been removed from its prior website by according to the following (as you read, remember that CAIR is an unindicted co-conspirator in the fraudulent Holyland Foundation case):
Blog contained threats of violence like ‘I want [Muslim] blood on my hands’
WASHINGTON, Dec. 29, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) announced today that an anti-Muslim Internet hate site that contained a number of threats of violence targeting mosques, including the comment “I want [Muslim] blood on my hands,” has been taken down by its hosting company.
CAIR said visitors to “Bare Naked Islam,” hosted by, now see the message: “ is no longer available. This blog has been archived or suspended for a violation of our Terms of Service.”
[NOTE: “Bare Naked Islam” was one of the major promoters of the campaign to pressure Lowe’s to drops its ads from TLC’s “All-American Muslim.”]Last month, CAIR called on the FBI to investigate the threats of violence targeting mosques posted on the blog and urged to remove it for violating the hosting company’s terms of service (TOS), which prohibit blogs that “contain threats or incite violence towards individuals or entities.” Articles and comments posted on “Bare Naked Islam” urged attacks on and desecration of American and European mosques.
A burr under the CAIR kufiya is Bare Naked Islam’s support of Lowe’s removing advertising from an American Muslim reality show. BNI should have the right to boycott it, talk about it, write about it, scream it if they want to. Lowes has the right to advertise or not.
Here is a snippet from the Anti-CAIR website (I hope you will read the rest of the story here):
Proven Truths About CAIR
CAIR Filed A Lawsuit Over These Anti-CAIR Statements. CAIR Retreated
From Their Lawsuit During Discovery. CAIR Agreed To Forever Drop All
Of The Claims That Were In, Or Could Have Been In, Their Complaint.
These Words Were Never Found To Be False, They Were Never
Retracted, And Remain Posted On Anti-CAIR’s Website.(Read: CAIR Backs Down from Anti-CAIR)
Let there be no doubt that the Council on American-Islamic Relations
is a terrorist supporting front organization that is partially funded
by terrorists, and that CAIR wishes nothing more than the
implementation of Sharia Law in America.
CAIR has proven links to, and was founded by, Islamic Terrorists.
CAIR actively supports terrorists and terrorist-supporting
groups and nations.
CAIR is an organization founded by Hamas supporters which seeksto overthrow Constitutional government in the United States and replace it with an Islamist theocracy using our own Constitution as protection.Read the rest at Anti-CAIR and browse through their homepage here.
CAIR wants no good thing for America. You can take it to the bank. The support of CAIR by our FBI has been a rocky road and while we have known they are terrorist-connected for a very long time, we can’t keep them out of our government or the Halls of Congress. Perhaps this new law is the answer, but don’t bet on it.
The video below is a report that includes claims against Bare Naked Islam. I urge you to keep an open mind as you listen. Things are not always as they seem. There is a quote from the blog administrator “Bonnie.” I’ve been to the site numerous times and I’ve have linked to them in the past, but have seen no evidence of threats. I personally, have never seen anything that isn’t in direct response to some Islamic threat or act of violence – and even then, no threats. Just my experience.
If anyone needs a really, really good hosting service, let me know. I love mine and will be happy to refer you. See what you get when you go to BNI now. My thanks to Grumpy Opinions who has more.
Read these bloggers also trying to get the word out that CAIR is dominating what you are reading on the Internet:
CAIR Goes After Bare Naked Islam (video)
The speed of the complete destruction of the USA is excelerating and I fear that there is not much time left. When an organization like CAIR can force the closure of a website because they “feel threatened” there is no doubt the hammer is about to fall. This is CENSORSHIP plain and simple. The government does’nt have to do the censoring, lawyers will see to that!