Senior Michigan Rep. John Conyers has a 30 year history with the Marxists of Democratic Socialists of America. Recently he addressed Metro Atlanta DSA’s annual awards dinner, where he rambled on about the Occupy movement, Martin Luther King, the civil rights movement, working in the “struggle” and the evils of capitalism.
Can there be any doubt at all that this guy is a Marxist?
The reason it is broken is because we have to many communists in the U.S. like Conyers and Glover. The other problem is Barack Obama as wittnessed below:
U.S. agents have been caught laundering drug money. Will this bring down the Obama administration and being tied into Operation Fast & Furious! One can only cross their fingers for the betterment of America.
U.S. Drone falls into Iranian hands while Panetta controls the strings to the CIA. What other strings do Panetta control? The strings to the drone that was “placed” into the hands of the Iranians…………undamaged. Varlerie Jarrett has a huge smile on her face right about now.
Broken? He’s part of the Broken Problem. Here is why:
Teamsters Union dues are representing this action. The people who are non-Muslim get to work harder why the Muslims are praying on company time: