Bulletin from ASK:
“CNBC is reporting that there are now clients running out of the markets entirely because they do not believe their customer funds are safe.” — Karl Denninger, Market-Ticker — at market-ticker.org
Andrea Shea King’s important broadcasts are available archived, as well as live.
Thanksgiving Week lineup on
Monday at 9p ET — Tune in to hear Ann Barnhardt as she explains in more detail her decision to cease operations at her brokerage firm Barnhardt Capital Management, the state of markets, and where she thinks the markets are headed. It’s an interview you won’t want to miss.Tuesday at 9p ET — We’ll talk to forensic pathologist Dr. Cyril Wecht, who testified before the House Select Committee on Assassinations, and hear why he believes the facts show the murder of the president was done at the hands of many, not just one.
Wednesday, Special Edition at 12:30p ET — Tune in to hear Jack Abramoff, former lobbyist, who spent over three years in jail for his involvement in a massive corruption scheme in which he pleaded guilty to cheating millions of dollars out of Indian tribes in lobbying fees, as well as bribing lawmakers and congressional staff with gifts.Wednesday at 9p ET – Replay of our Jack Abramoff interview, and our special Thanksgiving Day program.
Thursday & Friday — Thanksgiving Holiday — See you on Monday, Nov. 28 (unless breaking news necessitates a show).
Weeknights @ 9 pm ESTVice Chair, Campaign to Defeat Barack Obama
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