Update ~ according to UTV Business, Gordon Brown’s candidacy for replacement of Dominique Strauss-Kahn as the IMF’s managing director has been blocked by UK Prime Minister, David Cameron (however that happens).
But, Fabianist, Brown has been slated instead, to chair a new “‘policy and initiatives co-ordination board,’ [of the likewise collectivist/communitarian, World Economic Forum] which will oversee talks about the future of the global economic system.”
Of course, the bankster elite presume by caveat that there must be an “global economic system,” instead of a international complex comprised of healthily sovereign nations.
Any hope this presents Cameron a white knight pitching against the New World Order must be mitigated by his suggested alternative of an IMF headed by “someone from an emerging economy,” according to UTV. The United Nations and the morass of related NGO’s show us how the chosen thought leaders of such nations pan out (knuckle under).
h/t: JMBlaze, who also suggests these items, to understand Gordon Brown’s mindset:
G u l a g B o u n d
Original Report 4/22
Dan Gainor’s latest is out, on George Soros, Bretton Woods and his INET. He makes note of the odd happenstance of monetary conferences. (It’s all about the IMF and the BRICS too.)
Someone said Matt Drudge is featuring it. That’s one good thing. Are any good members of Congress tracking the Bankster Spring of 2011? Without a peep? No news has reached these ears, of outraged and vociferous champions among our elected Capitol Capitulators, neither from the yellow RNC side nor the pinko DNC side.
Maybe someone named Paul? Outrage? The war against American freedom and Sovereignty and the megatheft of our personal property is not “in all the papers,” so why would Congress care.
Here are a couple excerpts, from Business & Media Institute:
Soros Event Sets in Motion New Attacks on Dollar
Bretton Woods conference accelerates push for new world currency.
By Dan Gainor
Wednesday, April 20, 2011 5:15 PM EDTIt’s been two weeks since George Soros bought himself a major economic conference designed to remake the entire global economy. Just because the event received little major news attention, it still had an impact Americans might be reeling from for years.
When the anti-American Soros spent $50 million creating the New York City-based Institute for New Economic Thinking (INET), he set in motion a major move against the dollar. The billionaire who once crushed the British pound through currency trading openly declared his plans to ‘reform the currency system.’ In the Machiavellian mind of Soros, the dollar needed to take a back seat and end its stint as the world reserve currency. ‘The dollar no longer enjoys the trust and confidence that it once did, yet no other currency can take its place,’ he wrote in late 2009.
/ snip /
The push for a new world currency wasn’t the only major news coming from the Soros conference, though most major news outlets ignored the entire gathering. The International Monetary Fund might be getting a new leader, one of the speakers at the event in fact. The IMF is part of the old world economic order that came from the first Bretton Woods. To promote your candidacy these days, all you have to do is hang with the right people.
According to the Daily Mail, former British Prime Minister Gordon Brown “has emerged as a favourite for the £270,000-a-year role after networking this week at a conference of policymakers at Bretton Woods in New Hampshire, where the IMF was founded.” It’s not what you know, it’s who after all. So, the pro-Soros movers and shakers are making their push to control the IMF too.
Brown is a perfect fit for the Soros economic view. At the conference, one of his takeaway lines was: “American and European dominance is no longer a fact.”
See the new Gulag Bound category: Banksters
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