Hat Tip: Brian B.
You are here: Home / We are Gulag Bound / *Resisters' Log* / Central Bankers Control The Sheeple Of The World
Central Bankers Control The Sheeple Of The World
Filed Under: *Resisters' Log*, Anti-America, Banksters, Central Banking Planning Manipulation & Control, Crime Criminals & Thugs, Cultural Marxism, Deceit Fabianism False Flags & Sun Tzu, Destroy or Control the "Middle Class", Divorce from Constitutional Meaning, Dumbed Down Citizens & Slave-State Dependence, Failed State Strategy: America, Fighting Dirty, How We Got Here, Marxist Crisis Strategy, Marxofascist Strategy, Militarily Weakening of America, Mortgage & Finance Abuse, Nationalization within a Globalist Marxofascist Model, Overwhelming Regulatory Encumbrance, State Control of Resources Production Distribution, State Crony 'Capitalism', The Marxofascist Fix Tagged With: anti-American revolution, authoritarianism, corruption, Crime Inc., crisis strategy, government domination of resources, Marxofascism, U.S. Constitution
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