The U.S. Socialist Workers Party is sending cadre fresh from the battlefields of Madison, Wisconsin to Cairo to peddle Marxist literature to the Egyptian masses.
From the Militant:
“I just returned from Madison, Wisconsin, this past weekend, meeting and talking to working people involved in the fight there, introducing them to the Militant,” said Dan Fein, a worker at a pharmaceutical plant in New York. “Soon, I’ll be doing the same thing in Cairo.”
Fein is part of a team of socialist workers from the United States, Canada, and United Kingdom who will travel to Egypt to participate in the Tahrir Book Fair, March 31 through April 3. Paul Mailhot, editor of the Militant, is organizing the team, which will sell subscriptions to the paper, as well as books and pamphlets published by Pathfinder Press.
Hosted by American University in Cairo, the fair was “born from the joy of the Tahrir Square revolution,” the organizers explain. More than 100 exhibitors are expected, most from the Middle East and North Africa. Thousands of titles will be on sale in Arabic, English, French, and other languages. Author signings, forums, and other events are planned.
“For those few days,” organizers say, the fair will be “the largest and most diverse bookstore in the Middle East, situated on the corner of this now world-famous square.”
Socialist booksellers of the world unite!
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