Update: Deconstructing Obama Author Jack Cashill on C-SPAN2 Sunday 3/13 10am ET


You may see his riveting TV presentation in the Gulag: “Book to See Jack Cashill on TV Deconstructing Obama, Archived

For more background, Jack was our special guest on Gulag Night, February 14, one day before Deconstructing Obama was released.

Also, just in via email:

Call in or email tonight . . .
The Jim Bohannon Show (live), 11 PM Eastern/ Monday, March 14
http://www.jimbohannonshow. com/
Join the conversation by calling 1-866-50-JIMBO / 1-866-505-4626 as we air live on weeknights between 10 pm and 1 am ET or e-mail Jim and Jack.

– the Bound

C-SPAN2 live broadcast
C-SPAN BookTV entry for this program

From Jack:

Huge thanks to Herb Meyer for his swell review in yesterday’s American Thinker and my deep appreciation for those readers who commented so favorably.

From the beginning the effort to get the truth about President Obama has been a collaborative one, aided greatly by AT’s publisher Thomas Lifson and by many of the readers.  We take the effort one more step on Sunday morning at 10 AM Eastern when C-SPAN II premieres my presentation for its worthy Book-TV program.

This was recorded three weeks ago at the Kansas City Public Library despite efforts by the city’s left wing alternative paper, the Pitch, to stop the presentation on the predictable grounds of racism.  So much for the left’s commitment to free speech.  More than 300 people were in attendance.

The beauty of Book-TV is that it invades the homes of people who otherwise screen out any information generated in the right half of the blogosphere.  I can write their emails of outrage in advance.

The 7 PM showing on Saturday March 12 has been bumped back to 7 PM on March 19 to accommodate a special tribute to the late David Broder.

Entry also appears in American Thinker


  1. Speech/Language Therapist says

    Part 1: One of the diagnostic tools used in a Language Evaluation is a written language sample to determine a pattern between oral language & the student’s/ patient’s expressive written work product. Elements include lexicon; grammar ( noun-verb agreement, form, tense, number, & verb forms); misplaced modifiers; metaphors & similes; choosing a topic, organizing, planning, executing & a general coherent style.
    That Obama requires a teleprompter &/or copious notes in public, indicates a disorganized mind, perhaps by years of drug abuse &/or a high level of distractibility.
    Golf calms his mind, & is concentration, & focus therapy for him. It is mandatory.
    That Obama turns on his black dialect at will, indicates he favors that grammar form in his writing rather than the embellishments of Standard American English (Ayers).
    Obama is no bright star, merely a very average communicator with a moderate to severe dysfluent speech pattern (STUTTER).
    He was exposed to an elite education by several “Pops.

  2. Speech/Language Therapist says

    Part II: One of his “Pops” elevated him to Law Review President. He has no old college pals of note who support him. (I do; do you?)
    Not unlike Jesse Jackson, he has spent a lifetime powered by the wings of Affirmative Action; hence his life’s history has been deleted.
    HE IS A FIGMENT OF OUR IMAGINATION. Walt Disney & Jiminy Cricket would have put him in Fantasyland, (Pinocchio) not the Hall of Presidents on Main Street USA!
    Deborah Tannen, PhD.’s books have more to add on Communication.
    Watched C-Span twice!
    Kristol is a lazy entitled brat & a Jewish Embarassment. He’d be nowhere without his parents’ legacy (& $$$!).
    Republicans do not want to be blacklisted…
    Jack, continue to let your conscience be your guide!

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