Corsi & ASK Interview Viviano on Testimony of Obama’s Criminal 2008 Campaign

In WND EXCLUSIVE Hollywood producer heard Bill Clinton say Obama ineligible Insider in Hillary's 2008 campaign points to 'original birthers'   A successful Hollywood producer who had an insider’s view of Hillary Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign claims she heard Bill Clinton say that Barack Obama is not eligible to be president. Bettina Viviano – who started her own film production … [Read more...]

Did Obama Assassinate Clinton Delegates?

"George Soros met with Hillary and Obama. Soros said his agenda was to tear this economy down to the ground. Obama said, 'no problem.' Hillary said, 'no way.'"PolitiJim's Rants PolitJim I’m going to take you on a little journey that – even I’m not sure I believe. But it is newsworthy, in my opinion. One of my key True The Vote heroes was asked to be on the blogtalkradio station Red Right & Blue this past … [Read more...]

Hollywood Producer Speaks Out Against Massive Obama and DNC Corruption

What would have seemed unlikely--if not impossible as the fear of doing so was too great--three years ago, is beginning to happen today.  Some successful in Hollywood are actually speaking out against Dictator-in-Chief Obama and the now totally corrupt Marxist-Democrat Party. As with the commencement of all pro-liberty movements, only the most courageous amongst us first step into the fray.  The others follow … [Read more...]