Congressional Black Caucus Stirs Up Race and Class Hatred for Obama

New Zeal

The socialists of the Congressional Black Caucus are touring the country inciting class and race hatred, rallying black support for Barack Obama and promoting antipathy to the “Tea Party” movement.

They are also openly calling on President Obama to re-create the Works Progress Administration, the Depression era mass make work scheme that was virtually run by the Communist Party USA.

CBCers in Los Angeles

Socialists Karen Bass, Maxine Waters, John Conyers, Hansen Clarke, Emanuel Cleaver and Andre Carson recently raised a little hell in Los Angeles.

From Rossana Cambron of the Communist Party USA’s Peoples World:

LOS ANGELES – Below are video highlights from the final Congressional Black Caucus jobs fair/town hall meeting held on Aug. 31 here at the Crenshaw Christian Center with more than 500 people in attendance. An estimated crowd of 20,000 had lined up earlier for the CBC’s jobs fair, according to Politico.

The CBC launched a series of town halls and jobs fairs called For the People Jobs Initiative in Cleveland, Aug. 8, to bring front and center the urgent need for federal action to create jobs. Since then the tour has traveled to Detroit, Miami and Atlanta, where they have elicited a wide public response and press coverage.

At each event, CBC members have been bringing their plan for creating jobs to the people, making it clear that it’s time to stand up to fight and meet the challenge. In Los Angeles, CBC members spoke to the need for a national jobs rally and march, and called for an extension of unemployment benefits until enough jobs are created. In addition, they demanded the creation of a 21st century Works Progress Administration to repair the country’s infrastructure. “When people have jobs they spend money, that is how you revitalize the economy,” said Rep. Maxine Waters of California, who hosted the event.

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